Guia do Usuário do Cliente Web Spotfire®

Filtering data

You can base the visualizations on the entire set of data, or you can base them on certain data values you have filtered to.

When you filter, certain data values in the data table are filtered out, and only the filtered values, that is the remaining values, are included in what is being visualized. All visualizations that are based on this data table will immediately update to reflect only the filtered values. However, you can anytime change what is filtered, or return to the full set of data.
Note: Not only visualizations on the open page are affected; every visualization that is based on this data table will be updated in your analysis.
The filtering is handled from the Data in analysis flyout or the Filters panel. If you think of your loaded data as a table with rows and columns, each column gets a filter of its own in the panel. If any column value is filtered out, every row that contains that value will temporarily be taken away.
How many rows that remain after filtering, and the total number in the data table, can be viewed at the bottom of a page. In this example, the entire data table consists of 216 rows and 83 rows remain after filtering.

As data columns contain different types of data, their associated filters are of different types to make it easy to filter to the values you want to keep. You can however change the filter type that is suggested.

How to filter data is described in Filtering data using the Data in analysis flyout and Filtering data using the Filters panel.