The table in Spotfire works much like any other table you might be familiar with. It presents the data as a table of rows and columns, and is used to see details and compare values.
By clicking a row you mark it, and by dragging the mouse pointer over several rows you can mark more than one row. The appearance of the table can be changed. For example, the order of the columns and their widths can be adjusted, headers can be displayed horizontally or vertically, and the alignment of the texts can be specified.
You can sort the rows in the table according to different columns, or filter out unwanted rows by using the filters.
All visualizations can be configured to show data limited by one or more markings in other visualizations only (details visualizations). Tables can also be limited by one or more filterings. You can also configure a table without any filtering at all. You can also set up a table without any filtering at all. See Adding data limitations for a visualization for more information.
Working with in-database data in table visualizations
When you work with in-database data from relational data sources, the
table visualization can only show a limited number of rows. The default value
of this limit is 10 000 rows. For data that exceeds this limit, only the first
10 000 rows will be visualized in the table. A Spotfire administrator can
configure the row limit on your Spotfire server, by editing the preference
in the
Administration Manager. A primary key must be specified to enable highlighting
and markings in the table visualization.
- Creating a table
The table visualization presents all details of the loaded data. The individual values are arranged in columns and rows. - Changing the order of the columns in a table
You can change the order of the columns in a table visualization. - Hiding a column in a table
You can hide columns that do not need to be visible in the table visualization. - Adding columns to a table
You can add columns to your visualization from the underlying data table. This is also how you show columns again that have previously been hidden. - Changing height and width in tables
You can change row height and column width in tables and cross tables to better suit your content. - Sorting a table
In a table visualization you can sort the rows by the values in a data column. Depending on the type of data, an alphabetical, numerical, or chronological sorting of the column values is applied. You can also make a subsequent sorting of the rows by the data in another column. - Specifying the header orientation and header text alignment
A column header can be displayed horizontally or vertically in the table visualization. By changing to a vertical header for narrow columns, the screen estate can be used more efficiently. You can also specify the horizontal and vertical alignment of the text within the header. - Specifying the text alignment for table cells
You can specify the horizontal alignment of the text for all cells in the table, or for the cells in an individual column. - Specifying text color, background color, and font style in a table
You can specify the text color and background color, as well as the font style for an individual header, all headers, an individual column, or all table cells. - Showing text as hyperlinks
You can show the contents of a column as clickable links. - Showing images in tables
It is possible to show images in the cells of a table visualization. A Spotfire analysis or information link can contain a data table with images that will be shown in the column in the table visualization. - Virtual columns
It is possible to include data in a table visualization (or in labels and tooltips of some other visualizations) that is not part of the original data table.