StreamBase 10.5.0 Release Notes

These were the release notes for the TIBCO StreamBase® component of TIBCO® Spotfire Data Streams 10.5.0.

New Features

TIBCO® Spotfire Data Streams 10.5.0 adds the following updates and new features:

New Platform Support

StreamBase Studio Now Based on Eclipse 4.12

StreamBase Studio and StreamBase Manager are now based on Eclipse 4.12.

As with every major release, TIBCO strongly recommends using File>Import to import your projects from previous releases into a new, unused Studio 10.5 workspace, making sure you use the Copy projects into workspace option.

StreamBase Studio silently updates the workspace format of older projects. Once imported and updated into 10.5 format, do not reopen a 10.5 project in an earlier release of Studio.

This change also affects TIBCO LiveView Desktop™, as described in LiveView Changes.

Jetty Upgraded

In StreamBase Studio, the Jetty web server version was upgraded to 9.4.14 to address security issues in the previously supported version. The upgrade applies, for example, to the TIBCO StreamBase® Web Server Request adapter and the TIBCO StreamBase® Web Server Response adapter, as well as for developing your own applications that require Jetty.

RHEL 8 Now Supported for Runtime

The StreamBase Runtime now supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8. See this page for details.

New Oracle and SQL Server Versions for JDBC Access

StreamBase now supports JDBC access to tables on Oracle 18c and Microsoft SQL Server 2017.

New Studio Usability Enhancements

Studio Resource Center Now Available

The Studio Resource Center now opens by default in the EventFlow Editor position on first-time use of Studio, or when opening a new workspace. The Resource Center provides a hands-on walkthrough of StreamBase Studio, its different perspectives and views, and shows how to run a simple EventFlow fragment. The Resource Center also includes links to TIBCO® Spotfire Data Streams and LiveView user documentation and to sample projects. The Resource Center can be reopened from the Studio Help menu.

New Way to Load Samples

This release replaces the File+Load StreamBase Sample menu with the new menu option Import Samples and Community Content, which is described in Loading Samples in Studio. The new menu option provides access to three categories of StreamBase and LiveView samples:

  • TIBCO-supported samples installed locally as part of your TIBCO® Spotfire Data Streams installation, as in previous releases.

  • TIBCO-supported samples installed on GitHub.

  • Community contributed samples installed on GitHub.

In addition, the File+StreamBase Component Exchange menu option remains as before to provide a source of community contributed components.

New StreamBase Expression Evaluator

This release introduces the Evaluate StreamBase Expression dialog, which allows you experiment with long or complex StreamBase expression syntax without having to run an EventFlow fragment with Map operator to test the results. The Evaluator performs the same syntax tests as the StreamBase Runtime and returns instantaneous validation results.

The dialog is especially useful when defining custom expression language functions, because it allows you to append parenthesized arguments to your proposed function to return an evaluation of your function on those arguments.

This feature replaces the sbd --eval functionality of the StreamBase 7 series.

Adapters and Operators Now Cluster-aware

StreamBase adapters and global Java operators now support a cluster-aware service that you can use to start or stop individual adapters or operators based on the state of the current node in its cluster. One use case includes adapters that should only connect to an external server from the single active node in the cluster. Cluster awareness is discussed on a new page in the Administration Guide.

Look for these properties in the new Cluster Aware tab of the Properties view for adapters and global Java operators. As a result of this enhancement, the affected adapters' and operators' Start options property, located on the General tab of the Properties view, was changed to be a link to the Cluster Aware tab.

New HOCON Configuration Files Can be Built via Double-Click

When creating a new HOCON configuration file using the HOCON Configuration File Editor, double-clicking the desired configuration file type now creates the new file. This convenience is intended to save a step, but note that the existing Finish button remains supported.

Cluster View Remove Node Dialogs Improved

The syntax in the Cluster view toolbar's Remove and Force Remove Node dialogs was improved to clarify the actions you can perform from each respective button.

StreamBase Runtime Enhancements

Fragment Launch Time Now Improved

As a result of service discovery and other internal changes, fragment launch performance was improved.

REST Management Interfaces Now Provided

Each running node now includes a web server that presents REST API web services that support basic node administration functionality as well as node health queries. These web services provide insight into each node as a whole, not to any EventFlow, LiveView, or Java engines hosted by each node.

These web services are self-documenting, as is standard for OpenAPI-based REST APIs. You can determine the URLs to query with a command like the following:

epadmin servicename=nodename.cluster display web

These interfaces are in place for internal purposes at TIBCO, but you are welcome to take advantage of them to develop your own administration clients. For more information about the REST API, see StreamBase Runtime REST API.

WAR Files Found in Deploy Directories are Now Added to the Classpath

Web Application Archive (WAR) files found in deploy directories are now added to the engine's classpath.

Transaction Log Messages Improved

Various improvements were made to transaction log messages to display more useful output.

Invalid Node Type Fragments Message Improved

"Invalid node type fragment" messages are now improved to clarify why a such an error can occur.

New System Property Warns in Stack Traces

When enabled, the new system property displays stack traces on exceptions thrown from Java operators.

Configuration Enhancements

Engine Configuration Merging Now Supported

StreamBase now supports merging configurations of certain properties declared in any of the three engine configuration types: StreamBaseEngine, LDMEngine, and JavaEngine.

New ParameterSettingsGroup Configuration Root Object

A new root object in the StreamBaseEngine configuration type, ParametersSettingsGroup provides a central place to define name-value pairs of parameter specifications, which can be grouped into named objects referenced elsewhere in other configuration objects. The approach to StreamBase parameters is now simplified into module and container parameters as discussed in Changes in Functionality .

New CustomFunctionGroup Configuration Root Object

Custom functions and aliases to standard functions are now configured in a new root object in the StreamBaseEngine configuration type, CustomFunctionGroup. The pluginFunctions object of previous releases is deprecated. This change is further discussed in Changes in Functionality .

Parallel Region Queue Options Now Configurable via HOCON Objects

The StreamBaseEngine root object now includes a parallelRegionQueues object for engine-wide parallel region configuration. This is now the preferred configuration method for engine-wide parallel region queues. Using StreamBase Java properties to manage parallel region queues is now deprecated.

Node Listener Now Configurable via Secure Communication Profile

The secureCommunicationProfileName property was added to the Communication configuration object of the node deployment configuration. This property specifies the name of a configure secure communication profile for the node's administration, distribution, and web listeners. Among other features, this allows you to enable authentication when querying the new REST API interfaces described above.

New epadmin Features

New Targets for epadmin Added

The epadmin command has a new target, web, which is used to start, stop, and display the new REST management web services added in this release.

Another new target, metrics, is reserved for future use.

New Statistics Types Added to epadmin Command

New statistics types were added to the epadmin statistics target:

  • systemevent: displays rows for node, engine, and component startup and shutdown events.

  • classtypedescriptor: displays the relationship between Java classes loaded and Runtime metadata (type descriptors) created for @Managed objects and enumerations.

  • objectmemory shows total shared memory usage by managed object type.

Command Help Output Now Supports JSON Output

The epadmin administration targets now support help output in JSON format in addition to the supported text format. The JSON option also includes all required metadata in order to be machine parseable. See the epadmin page for details.

New epadmin Global Parameters Added

The following epadmin global parameters were added:


For additional details see the epadmin help.

Support Added to Display Secure Communication Profile Details

The display cluster type=configuration field now includes details about a node's secure communication profile when used by the distribution service. If no profile is set, the related fields return None.

The display node command now contains a column for the name of the secure communication profile used for the node's administration, distribution, and web listeners. If no profile is set, then the column value is None.

New and Enhanced Adapters

New TensorFlow Adapter Introduced

The TIBCO StreamBase® Operator for TensorFlow Model Evaluator allows StreamBase applications to execute TensorFlow machine learning models. See this page for configuration details and TensorFlow Adapter Sample for sample usage.

New AMS Client Adapter Introduced

The TIBCO® StreamBase Adapter for Artifact Management Server illustrates how to use the AMS client adapter for enumerating AMS projects and their artifacts, and for fetching, adding, updating, and deleting artifacts. See this page for configuration details and Artifact Management Server Adapter Sample for sample usage.

IEX Adapter Suite Introduced

This release includes the following adapter suite:

  • The TIBCO StreamBase® Adapter for IEX Reference Data allows StreamBase to connect to the IEX stock exchange and request reference data.

  • The TIBCO StreamBase® Adapter for IEX Market Data allows a StreamBase application to connect to the IEX stock exchange and request snapshot market data.

  • The TIBCO StreamBase® Adapter for IEX Stocks allows a StreamBase application to connect to the IEX stock exchange and request stock data.

  • The TIBCO StreamBase® Adapter for IEX Streaming Market Data allows a StreamBase application to connect to the IEX stock exchange and subscribe to streaming market data.

See IEX adapters sample for examples of adapter usage.

New TIBCO ActiveSpaces® Operators Added

The following ActiveSpaces operators were added to the operator suite:

  • TIBCO StreamBase® Operator for ActiveSpaces Batched Put Operations, which adds or updates multiple rows in a single call. Note that this operator cannot be used in transacted sessions.

  • TIBCO StreamBase® Operator for ActiveSpaces Batched Get Operations, which retrieves multiple rows from a table in a single call.

  • TIBCO StreamBase® Operator for ActiveSpaces Batched Delete Operations, which removes multiple rows from a table in a single call.

  • TIBCO StreamBase® Operator for ActiveSpaces Listen Operations, which monitors events corresponding to changes in a table (or specific rows of a table).

See ActiveSpaces operators sample for examples of operator usage.

Diameter Adapters Improved

The Diameter adapters now include the following enhancements:

  • An option was added to the Diameter output adapters, so they can pass through the complete tuple after the write operation is complete.

  • Rate throttling is now supported to control the rate of requests per second.

  • A new format (command-separated list) now specifies which adapter will handle a given message.

Python Operators Improved

The Python Operators now support Numpy data type objects (dtypes); this support requires Python 2.7.15 and later. See this page for configuration details.

Kafka Input Adapter Improved

When the new configuration option is enabled, the Kafka Input adapter outputs a status message with the beginning offset for the subscriptions topic. See the adapter page for details.

Decision Table Operator Performance Improved

The Decision Table operator was redesigned to arrange the set of conditions from the loaded decision table into a tree. For balanced trees, this improves load and execution time substantially. See Decision Table Performance Considerations for more information.

An Exclude Rule From Output Tuple check box was added to the Decision Table operator. When selected, the rule field no longer appears in the operator's output schema, which can improve decision table loading. The rule field is one of the Decision Table operator's typical output schema tuple fields.

FIX Adapter Now Includes TLS/SSL Connectivity and Whitelist Support

The TIBCO StreamBase® Adapter for FIX can now connect using TLS/SSL (initiator and acceptor) and also specify a list of IP addresses or address ranges that are authorized to connect (acceptor only).

Kafka Adapters Now Support Azure Event Hubs Connections

The Kafka Consumer and Producer adapters now support connections to Microsoft Azure Event Hubs portals.

WITSML Operators Can Now Set Date Time Format at Runtime

WITSML operators now support a date and time format per input tuple during Runtime.

Oracle Log Miner Now Obtains Field and Primary Key Values

The Oracle CDC LogMiner Parser Adapter includes the following enhancements:

  • The adapter now parses the WHERE statement of UPDATES to obtain existing fields' values as well as the primary key.

  • A new option enables the query of UNSUPPORTED operations for debug purposes.

Distributed Router Now Improved

The Distributed Router operator includes the following new options:

  • Custom Round Robin: behaves similarly to Round Robin except the availability zone name is taken from a field from the input tuple (instead of configured).

  • Custom Hash: behaves similarly to Hash except the availability zone name is taken from a field from the input tuple (instead of configured).

  • A new operator property can define what field the input tuple the availability zone comes from.

UDP Receiver Adapter Now Improved

The UDP Receiver Input Adapter now includes an option to set the underlying socket receive size on its own, compared to having the maximum packet size set that and the datagram buffer size. Also, buffer creation was moved outside the while loop to prevent repeated buffer creation.

New Operators Added to JMS/EMS Adapter Suite

New operators join the TIBCO StreamBase® Adapter for JMS and EMS: JMS Request/Reply and a corresponding EMS Request/Reply operator. See the adapter suite and sample pages for details.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Decision Table Validation Now Improved

The Decision Table Analyzer now uses a decision tree instead of order n^2 code paths, which improves the time it takes to validate decision tables.

Node Audit Logs Now Contain Web Service Information

The audit log now contains audit messages for web service requests.

Enabling Docker Build for Application Now Configures Console Log Appender by Default

When creating applications for use with Docker, a logback.xml file is now included to expose the application logs to Docker.

Changes in Functionality

This release includes the following changes in functionality:

ActivFeed Input Adapter Now Available

The TIBCO StreamBase® Adapter for Activ Financial was previously unavailable in recent StreamBase 10 releases due to third-party API issues. The adapter is significantly improved in 10.5.0 and supported once again.

New Configuration Syntax to Declare Custom Functions

As before, custom Java functions or aliases to standard functions must be declared in a HOCON configuration file. In previous releases, custom functions were declared with the pluginFunctions configuration object under the StreamBaseEngine root object. This syntax is now deprecated:

type = "com.tibco.ep.streambase.configuration.sbengine"
configuration = {
  StreamBaseEngine = {
    streamBase = {
      pluginFunctions = {

Starting with release 10.5.0, custom functions are declared in a new root object, CustomFunctionGroup in the same sbengine type:

type = "com.tibco.ep.streambase.configuration.sbengine"
configuration = {
  CustomFunctionGroup = {
    customFunctions = {

See customFunctions in the Configuration Guide for help with porting your custom function declarations from the previous pluginFunctions syntax.

New Configuration Approach to Parameters

Previous releases allowed you to define both module parameters and operator parameters, but this left open the question of the architectural level in which operator parameters had scope. Starting with this release, operator parameters are deprecated in favor of container parameters that have scope in a single StreamBase container. Module parameters, as before, apply to an entire EventFlow module.

The EventFlowDeloyment root object in the sbengine HOCON type now includes a containerParameterSettings object in addition to the existing moduleParameterSettings object. Both objects reference settings made with the new ParameterSettingsGroup root object.

Note that StreamBase documentation has not yet caught up with this new distinction between operator and container parameters, and still refers in places to operator parameters. This is expected to be corrected in an upcoming release.

Changed Status Port Syntax for ActiveSpaces Operators

The Status port is the only output port for the ActiveSpaces Control and Transactions operators, and is an optional port for the other ActiveSpaces operators. The three-field structure of this port changed in release 10.5.0 compared to the 10.4.x release series. If you have an EventFlow module that uses the Status port for one of these operators, you must update those modules. The following table compares the port structure.

Status port fields and type in 10.4.x Status port fields and type in 10.5.x
status, string Status, string
info, list(string) Time, timestamp
context (tuple) Info, list(tuple)

Notice that the Status and Info fields have uppercase initial letters in 10.5.x, in addition to the data type change in Info. See Status Port for more on the field meanings.

Change in Context for Certain epadmin configuration Commands

This release imposes restrictions on when in the lifecycle state of a node you can run certain epadmin configuration commands. For the following commands to work, the node must be both installed and started:

epadmin load configuration
epadmin activate configuration
epadmin deactivate configuration
epadmin remove configuration

An error message results if you try to run these commands on a stopped node or on an installed node before it is started and running.

View of sblayout Files Now Suppressed by Default

The view of companion .sblayout files is now suppressed by default in Studio's Project Explorer view. Remember to take layout files into account if you manage your Studio workspace projects with a version control system. To restore the visibility of layout files, see Restoring Layout File Visibility.

Hyphen Now Supported in Cluster and Node Names

Studio now allows hyphens in cluster names and node names.

Debug View Display Changed for Fragment Launches

In the Debug view for an EventFlow fragment launch, previous releases displayed the workspace-relative path for modules. Starting with this release, the fully qualified module name is displayed instead.

Multiple Quorum Notifiers Now Supported per Availability Zone

Multiple quorum notifiers are now supported per availability zone. Note that the configuration format did not change; configuration now allows more than one notifier in the list.

Adapter Code Updated to Replace Logger Member with Operator.getLogger() Calls

Studio was updated to replace logger members with Operator.getLogger() calls to ensure that every operator has a unique logger name when multiple instances of the same operator are being used. When creating custom operators, TIBCO recommends using the parent class's getLogger() method instead of creating your own loggers. Consider making that change for any existing custom operators as well, although the code continues to work without changes for backward compatibility.

Decision Table Operator Now Reports Duplicate Rules

The Decision Table operator now writes to the console when two rules with identical conditions are present in a decision table and being loaded.

Configuration Activation Process Now Changed

The following configuration types are now processed loaded and activated during node installation instead of node start:


  • com.tibco.ep.dtm.configuration.application

  • com.tibco.ep.dtm.configuration.node

This ensures that any security-related configuration defined in the application archive and node deploy configuration remains active even when the node is stopped. For example, the node's trusted hosts are now defined when the node installation process completes. Likewise, users defined in a LocalAuthenticationRealm configuration are also now available after node installation.

moduleName Property no Longer Audited at Configuration Activation

The EventflowDeployment.modules.moduleName property is no longer audited upon configuration activation. Invalid module names are still detected, but not until the associated engine is started.

Documentation Updates

In addition to standard release-specific updates, this release includes the following independent updates and corrections to the documentation:

Description of epadmin encrypt secret Rewritten

The Encrypting Sensitive Configuration Data page in the StreamBase Administration Guide was completely reorganized and rewritten for clarity.

Adapters Guide Reorganization

In previous releases, the Adapters Guide was split between two sections, one for embedded adapters and another for external adapters. The sole member of the external adapter category was removed in this release, which prompted the removal of the external adapters section. Cross-reference links to individual adapter pages did not change.

Deprecated and Removed Features

StreamBase 10.5.0 has the following deprecations.

RHEL 6 No Longer Supported

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, announced as deprecated in Release 10.3.0, is no longer supported. TIBCO recommends migrating to RHEL 8, which is now supported in 10.5.0, or RHEL 7.

Deprecated Spark Operator No Longer Supported

The deprecated TIBCO StreamBase® Operator for Spark/MLlib Model Evaluator, is no longer supported and is now removed from StreamBase.

Windows Native 32-bit API Deprecated

Support on Windows for developing 32-bit StreamBase clients or monitoring apps with C++ or .NET is now deprecated. TIBCO Streaming will continue to provide support for 64-bit apps.

Configuration Object jvm is Deprecated

In configuration files with type com.tibco.ep.dtm.configuration.javaengine, or in sbengine or ldmengine configuration files that can specify javaengine settings, the JavaEngine > jvm object was renamed to JavaEngine > jvmTuning. The jvm object is still supported for compatibility with previous releases, but is expected to be removed in a future release. Search for "jvm =" in your application's configuration files and migrate those to use the new name jvmTuning =.

Configuration Property constantsOverwrite is Deprecated

The constantsOverwrite property in configuration files of type com.tibco.ep.streambase.configuration.sbengine is now deprecated.

Configuration Property is Deprecated

The property in configuration files of type com.tibco.ep.dtm.configuration.node is now deprecated. Use the secureCommunicationProfileName property instead.

New Methods Now Added to Test Framework Results Class; Other Methods Deprecated

The Results.toDtmResults, Results.getStatusMessages, and Results.error methods in the com.tibco.ep.testing.framework package are deprecated. They are replaced with Results.getCommandResults, Results.getCommandStatusMessages, and Results.getErrorMessages respectively. Update any test source accordingly. See the Java API documentation for details.

Parallel Region Queue System Properties Deprecated

The following StreamBase Java properties for parallel region queue configuration are now deprecated:

Configure engine-wide parallel region queue properties via the parallelRegionQueues object. For backward compatibility, if your configuration includes both system and HOCON properties, the system properties take precedence.

Web Server Information Removed From Display Node Command

The epadmin display node command no longer shows web server information in its output. Instead, use the display web command to show web server information.

Studio Subversive Plugin Deprecated

The Subversive SVN Team Provider plugin that is included in Studio to support Subversion is now deprecated and expected to be removed in a future release.

Support for the Flume External Adapter Removed

The Flume External adapter no longer functioned correctly in the StreamBase 10 Maven environment and has not been available on TIBCO's eDelivery site. Documentation referencing this adapter was removed in this release.

Migration and Compatibility

This release contains the following migration and compatibility notes.

Adapter Configuration Format Now Changed

Certain adapters and operators require additional configuration beyond what you set in their respective Properties views. As of 10.5.0, the file format and configuration method changed and may affect you project migration, as described below.

Adapter Configuration Now Supports HOCON Format

Configuring supported adapters and operators using an adapter-configurations.xml is no longer required or preferred; configuration is now supported in HOCON format. If your project contains an adapter-configurations.xml file, Studio offers to convert it for you using a new Edit button located in the supported adapters' and operators' Properties view.

New HOCON Root Object For Adapter and Operator Configuration

The HOCON type com.tibco.ep.streambase.configuration.adapter now includes a new root object, AdapterGroup. See this page to learn more.

XML Format Deprecated

The XML configuration format is deprecated and continues to be supported for backward compatibility.

StreamBase Samples Containing XML Now Updated to HOCON Format

Prior to 10.5.0, the following samples contained adapters or operators that required the adapter-configurations.xml file format. They now use the HOCON format.

sample_adapter_activespaces sample_adapter_embedded_mqtt-client
sample_adapter_embedded_ams-client-sample sample_opcua
sample_adapter_embedded_cassandra sample_adapter_embedded_rabbitmq
sample_adapter_embedded_clusterpub sample_adapter_embedded_webreader
sample_adapter_embedded_cme-ilink sample_adapter_embedded_webserver
sample_adapter_embedded_diameter sample_adapter_embedded_websocketclient
sample_adapter_embedded_hbase sample_adapter_embedded_wits
sample_adapter_embedded_kudu sample_python
Node Management Commands no Longer Require SSH to Manage Nodes Running on Remote Hosts

The following node management commands no longer require Secure Shell (SSH) to manage nodes running on remote hosts:

  • start node (when servicename or adminport are specified)

  • stop node

  • terminate node

  • remove node (when servicename or adminport are specified)

  • kill node

The exceptions to the above are:

  • Removing a remote node created with 10.4.x or earlier release still requires SSH.

  • A node created with release 10.4.x or earlier but never started cannot be started for the first time by a 10.5.0 or later release of the epadmin start node command. The start node command will fail in this case. However, there is no incompatibility if you previously started the node with a pre-10.5.0 release.

  • The Last Start Time field reported by the epadmin display node command will not be updated if you use a release 10.5.0 or later release of start node to start a node created in an earlier release.

StreamBase Resolved Issues

This section provides a list of errors corrected in release 10.5.0 of the TIBCO StreamBase® component of TIBCO® Spotfire Data Streams.

Fixed in 10.5.0
Number Resolution
TIBCO StreamBase® 10.5.0 incorporates all fixes resolved in the release 10.0 series through 10.4.4 and all fixes resolved in the release 7.7 series through 7.7.7.
SB‑47796 Some third-party dependencies required by the UMDF adapter were previously excluded from the High Performance FIX installation kits. This was fixed.
SB‑47520 In previous releases, for an EventFlow fragment with a configuration file that specified Java system properties, those properties were not recognized when running the same fragment as an EventFlow Fragment Unit Test. The cause was identified and corrected.
SB‑47414 An internal configuration issue was causing a delay when validating the XML format of LiveView configuration files. This was corrected.
SB‑47412 Query Tables stored in transactional memory were not maintaining null values for boolean fields. This was corrected and null values are now correctly maintained.
SB‑47366 The Amazon S3 via HDFS sample included an example S3 XML configuration file that incorrectly used the .conf extension. This caused the sample to fail because the StreamBase Runtime considers any .conf file in the Maven classpath to be a HOCON configuration file for the current fragment. The S3 configuration file was renamed to have the .xml extension, and all references to the file were updated.
SB‑47359, SB‑32417 In previous releases, application definition and node deploy configurations were processed only if the node was started and had an application engine. Configurations loaded before node startup resulted in the configuration state being changed but the behavior associated with the state change not being invoked.

Starting with release 10.5.0, these configurations are processed in all cases: with the node stopped, node started without an application engine, or node started with an application engine.

SB‑47272 Aggregate operators stored in transactional memory would fail to compile in certain cases. This problem was corrected.
SB‑47167 Query Tables in transactional memory were not rolling back commits during a failover. This resulted in incorrect data in the Query Table. This problem was corrected.
SB‑47165 Deleting rows in a Query Table stored in transactional memory not using the primary index failed to delete the rows. This error was corrected.
SB‑47164 Previously, decision tables cells allowed timestamps with negative timezone offsets such as: 2016-03-17 15:02:24.333-0700 but not with positive timezone offsets such as: 2016-03-17 15:02:24.333+0700. Positive timezone offsets in decision tables now pass typecheck.
SB‑46992 On a single machine, if a node was stopped within a running cluster, and another node, with a different cluster name was started, it could incorrectly join the first cluster. This was corrected.
SB‑46973 When deactivating a node deployment configuration file, nodes can hang if the partition definitions depend on each other. This typically effects unit test cases. During deactivation of a node deployment configuration file, the unnecessary deactivation of partitions was removed.
SB‑46566 When an application contained an eFTL Connect adapter with a linked subscriber adapter, the linked subscribe adapter would try to subscribe on upon connection, even if the matcher is blank. Now, empty matchers are ignored.
SB‑46564 An issue caused the eFTL Subscribe adapter to use the incorrect default for Durable Key. The adapter was fixed to allow a null Durable Key value.
SB‑46306 If a node is stopped and quickly restarted, occasionally the automatic rebalance of the default availability zone can fail. The node startup process was fixed to avoid this case.
SB‑46300 A problem was resolved with the handling of Query notifiers and non-unique, ordered keys consisting of three or more fields.
SB‑45775 When switching a Query Table's schema from a Named Table Schema to a private schema, a NullPointerException could occur. This problem was fixed.
SB‑45660 An issue prevented default logging configuration from being overridden. This was fixed.
SB‑45585 The default storage method for parallel region queues is now correctly inherited from the module storage method.
SB‑45579 There was an intermittent and typically uncommon potential problem where — during Studio shutdown — Studio's Error Log view could gather a list of entries, each with the message, An internal error occurred during: Refresh Cluster view. The log entries were about a temporary condition that otherwise had no adverse effect. This was resolved.
SB‑45242 While debugging, if Studio's connection to the server was lost (for example, if the server died unexpectedly), Studio might have left an exception traceback in Studio's Error Log view. That problem was fixed, and no such Error Log entry now appears for this situation.
SB‑45186 The SeqNum Variable Description, in the Run Configurations dialog's Node Name Variables options, was updated to be more legible.
SB‑45147 When running the Cluster Monitor application, a deadlock during shutdown prevented the node configuration from being removed. This was fixed.
SB‑44271 Authentication realms are no longer removed when the node is stopped. This means that users added to the realm using add user will not longer be removed by the epadmin stop node command.
SB‑42923 The container name can now be defined in the EventFlowDeployment configuration file as default without causing an error in the runtime.
SB‑37043 Starting several nodes at the same time, perhaps by specifying a cluster name as the servicename parameter, could result in a duplicate timestamp error. This was corrected.
SB‑32169 In some cases, the epadmin start engine command allowed engines to start before the node started. The command now fails if executed on a stopped node.
SB‑31285 On Windows, epadmin install node command would fail if the length of the engine log file path was greater than 230 characters. This was fixed.