Spotfire Developer Documentation

Deploying a package from Package Builder

Spotfire Package Builder supports deploying an extension to Spotfire Server for debugging purposes. This feature is provided as a convenience, because extensions with custom licenses must be deployed to the server to be debugged.

About this task

Perform this task from Spotfire Package Builder.
Note: The following authentication types are not supported when deploying from Package Builder (see system requirements for a list of other supported authentication methods):
  • OpenID Connect
  • Custom web authentication component
Tip: For testing purposes, you might want to deploy to a test deployment area before deploying to a production area.

Before you begin

You must be logged in as a member of the Administrator or the Deployment Administrator group to perform this task.


  1. Select the check boxes for each package to deploy.
    Only packages are deployed, never base Spotfire distributions.
  2. Click File > Deploy to Server.
    The Deploy to Server dialog appears.
  3. Provide your credentials, the required details about your server, a description of your package, and a version for your package.
    You can select the Deployment server from the drop-down list, or you can click Manage to add a server for the deployment.
    When you click OK, the package or packages are uploaded to the specified deployment server. A confirmation dialog is displayed if the deployment procedure is successful.


After a successful deployment, users of the installed client who log in to the Spotfire Server receive notice that there are updates to download and install. When they click OK, the deployed extensions are automatically installed on their computers.