How to Edit Data Connection Properties

Note: Only data connections and connection data sources that are embedded can be edited within the context of the analysis. For connections that are shared in the library, use the Manage Data Connections tool instead.

However, all data connections and connection data sources can be embedded, if desired. Click on the Embed in Analysis button in the Data Connection Settings and the Embed in Connection button in the Data Source Settings dialogs if you still have to edit data connection properties within the analysis:


  1. Select Edit > Data Connection Properties.

  2. Click on the connection you want to add data tables to in the Connections list.

  3. Click on Settings....

  4. Response: The Data Connection Settings dialog is displayed.

  1. Select Edit > Data Connection Properties.

  2. Click on the connection you want to edit in the Connections list.

  3. Click on Settings....

  4. Response: The Data Connection Settings dialog is displayed.

  5. On the Data Source tab, click on Settings....

  6. Response: The Data Source Settings dialog is displayed.

  1. Select Edit > Data Connection Properties.

  2. Click on the connection you want to add data tables to in the Connections list.

  3. Click on the  Edit Data Tables... button.
    Response: The Data Tables in Connection dialog is opened.

  4. In the Available tables in database list, double-click on the tables you want to work with in Spotfire.

  5. Response: The tables are moved to the Data tables in connection list.

    Comment: Click on a table in the Data tables in connection list to view the columns in the table. You can clear the check box for columns you want to exclude from the data table.

    Comment: If the Available tables in database does not show all the tables in the database, you can click on the Edit Tables... button to open the Select Database Tables dialog where you can add more tables. This may require a higher level of database permissions.

  6. When you are done, click OK.

  7. Response: The added data tables are shown in the Data tables views list.

  8. Click OK.

  1. Select Edit > Data Connection Properties.

  2. Click on the connection you want to remove data tables from in the Connections list.

  3. Click on the  Edit Data Tables... button.
    Response: The Data Tables in Connection dialog is opened.

  4. In the Data tables in connection list, click on a table you want to remove.

  5. Comment: You can also hide sub-tables in the list by clearing their corresponding check box.

  6. Click on the < Remove button.

  7. Response: The table is removed from the Data tables in connection list.

  8. Repeat for each table you want to remove.

  9. When you are done, click OK.

  10. Response: The removed data tables are no longer available in the Data tables list or in the analysis.

  11. Click OK twice to close the Data Connection Settings dialog and the Data Connection Properties dialog.

If you need to change any settings regarding how the connection to the data source is made, you can reach the Data Source Settings dialog for each connection from the Data Connection Properties dialog. For example, you may need to switch from a test environment to a production environment. However, make sure not to change the connection settings unless necessary, since visualizations using the selected data connection will become invalid if the data source connection fails.

  1. Select Edit > Data Connection Properties.

  2. Click on the connection you want to edit in the Connections list.

  3. Click on Settings....

  4. Response: The Data Connection Settings dialog is displayed.

  5. On the Data Source tab, click on Settings....

  6. Response: The Data Source Settings dialog is displayed.

  7. On the Login tab, click on the Edit... button to the right of the Data source field.

  8. Response: The connection dialog for the selected data connection is opened.

  9. Make the desired changes in the dialog and click OK when done.

  10. Response: The data connection is updated with the changes. Note that some type of changes need to be followed by a Refresh Schema operation (see below) and possibly also an update of the available data tables.

If you have skipped to log in when opening an analysis, or if you need to update an expired password in an analysis, you can reach the Data Source Settings dialog for each connection from the Data Connection Properties dialog.

  1. Select Edit > Data Connection Properties.

  2. Click on the connection you want to edit in the Connections list.

  3. Click on Settings....

  4. Response: The Data Connection Settings dialog is displayed.

  5. On the Data Source tab, click on Settings....

  6. Response: The Data Source Settings dialog is displayed.

  7. On the Login tab, click on the Login... button to the right of the Data source field.

  8. Response: The login dialog is opened.

  9. Enter your login information and click OK.

  10. Response: The data connection is updated with the changes.

Refreshing data:

To refresh data from the database, open the Data Connection Properties dialog, and click on the data connection of interest in the Connections list.

See also:

Data Connection Settings – General

Data Connection Settings – Data Source

Data Connection Settings – Cache Settings