Home > Tools > Information Designer > Information Links > Transforming the Data > Pivoting Data in Information Designer
Pivoting is a method of rearranging rows into columns. This flexibility allows you to rotate row and column headings around the core data. In general, pivoting is used to be able to carry out visual analyses on data that originally reside in a tall/skinny format. Pivoting may also be used to create more filters in the filters panel by splitting a column into several other columns.
To pivot data:
Create a new information link or edit an existing link (see Modifying an Information Link).
In the Information Link tab, go to the Conditioning section.
Select Pivot as conditioning type.
Click Edit....
Response: The Pivot Conditioning dialog opens.
In the Identity section, click Add... to select the columns that you want to use to identify rows.
Comment: Each unique value in the chosen identity column produces a row in the generated table.
In the Category section, click Add... to select the columns that you want to use for generating new columns in the new table.
Comment: Each unique value in the chosen category column produces a new column in the generated table.
In the Values section, click Add... to select the column that you want to aggregate.
Comment: The column from which the data is pulled. The values in the generated table are computed according to the method selected under Aggregation method in the Add Column dialog.
Type a Column name expression to use for naming the pivoted columns.
In the Other columns section, click Add... to select any other columns that you want to include in the new table.
Click OK.
Response: The Pivot dialog is closed.
Open or save the information link.
Response: The data will be pivoted when the information link is opened.
See also:
Example of Pivoting with Aggregation