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Pivot Conditioning in Information Designer





Each unique value in the chosen identity column produces a row in the generated table.

If you choose more than one column, then the new table will have a separate row for each unique combination of values in the chosen columns.

Other columns

Each unique value in the chosen category column produces a new column in the generated table.

Selecting more than one column  means that the new table will have a separate column for each unique combination of values in the chosen columns.


The column from which the data is pulled. The values in the generated table are computed according to the method selected under Aggregation (for example, Average).

Note: If you are certain that each combination of Identity and Category has a unique value, then you can select the Aggregation: None which will not apply any aggregation of the data. However, the pivot will fail if you select None, and each combination of Identify and Category is not unique.

   Column name expression

You can select how the pivoted columns should be named. By default the predefined option is:

  Method(Value) for Column

You can also create a custom naming scheme for your pivoted columns.

Other columns

This option allows you to include an overall average of a particular measurement, for each row in the generated table.

See also:

Creating an Information Link

Pivoting Data

Example of Pivoting