Spotfire Server and Environment - Quick Start

Action log properties

Each action log entry contains generic information, the category of the action, the action logged, and identifying information (id1 and id2), as well as arguments providing more detail about the action. The identifying information and arguments are the properties described in this reference.

For more information about how these properties are reported in a log entry, see Action log entries. For an example of a typical set of user actions and a sample log written as a result, see Sample action log output.

Property Description Categories that use this property
action Specifies the state of a scheduled update. Can be Opening, Opened, Closing, or Closed.
aggregationMethod Specifies the aggregation method set as the preferred aggregation method.
alignment The alignment of the horizontal legend. Can be left, right or center.
analysisId A unique identifier for the instance of the analysis.
analysisPath The path to the analysis.
arguments Any arguments passed to the server from the EMS.
captureState Indicates whether the state of the document is captured.
cardId The identifier of the visualization property card.
category Specifies the category of the preference.
changes Specifies the changes in the visualizations.
clientType The type of client (for example, Spotfire Analyst).
clientVer The version of the client that is connecting.
conversationId The Id of the thread of comments.
dataFunctionName The display name of the data function definition (for the pin_definition/unpin_definition actions) or the data function instance name (for the add_instance/remove_instance/explicit_execute actions).
dataFunctionType The display name of the data function executor type.
dataSourceInformation Connector-specific information about the data source. Typically the location of the database.
dataSourceLibraryId The unique library identifier of the connected data source, if applicable.
dataSourceType The type of external data source.
date The date that something (for example, a certificate) is valid from (format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").
defaultAggregationMethod Specifies the aggregation method used if no preferred aggregation method has been set.
destLibraryId The unique identifier of the library item in the destination.
destPath The destination library path.
destination The Spotfire Web Player instance URL.
destinationList A list of service URLs. This list is created in the application, based on the scheduled update.
destinationName The name specifying the destination URL.
displayName The display name for a user (for example, John Smith).
duration The amount of time the operation or operations took (in ms).
email The e-mail address.
excludingFunction This is a subfunction within a license that is not enabled.
exportFormat The format that the content is exported to.
exportPages The pages that are exported.
expression The expression.
externalActionServiceName The name of the service that is called when a user runs an external action.
externalQuery The external query, as generated by the adapter.
fileTitle The title of the file.
fileType (string) The type of the file.
filteringSchemeName The name of the filtering scheme.
filterName The column name of the specified filter.
filterType The type of the filter.
gName The group name.
groupingId Operations related to the same operation can share a common grouping identifier. For some operations, this identifier is the same as the job identifier seen in the other logs.
hash A unique signature for e.g., a script or a mod.
hasReverted Describes whether the current library item was deleted in the process of deleting previous versions, so that a previous version was set as the current version.
helpTooltipId The identifier of the help tooltip.
id The name of the preference.
interactionType The type of the interaction with the help tooltip.
internalQuery The Spotfire query.
issuer The company, person or instance that issued a certificate.
jobTaskId The unique identifier for the job task.
jobid The unique identifier of the job.
layoutName The layout name of the canvas size.
layoutSize The width and height of the canvas size.
libraryId The unique identifier for the library item (not always available for data functions).
libraryPath The library path (if it exists).
libraryType The type of library item. For example, dxp, query.
licenseName The license name.
markingName The name of the marking.
message An informational message provided by the rule or the scheduled update.
message An informational message provided by the rule or the scheduled update.
mode The page navigation mode. Can be one of the following:
  • titledTabs
  • stepByStep
  • historyArrows
  • off
name The name of the entity. Used by most categories.
nameNewFilteringScheme The name of the new filtering scheme.
nameOldFilteringScheme The name of the old filtering scheme.
newExpression The updated expression.
newFilteringSchemeName The new filtering scheme name.
newMarkingName The new marking name.
newName The new name.
newNumber The new max number of values shown in the legend.
new value of number shown (number) The new number of items shown in the Files and data flyout.
numberOfScales The scale option that is selected on an axis.
numberOfVersions The number of versions specified to be deleted when deleting previous versions of library items from the library version history.
numRows The number of rows returned.
oldExpression The original expression.
oldFilteringSchemeName The old filtering scheme name.
old value of number shown (number) The old number of items shown in the Files and data flyout.
oldMarkingName The old marking name.
oldName The old name.
oldNumber The old max number of values shown in the legend.
orientation The orientation of the legend item values. Can be vertically or horizontally.
origin The access point of the action.
originVisualizationType The original visualization type.
origin userInput The access point and type of user interaction.
pageName The name of the page.
parameterInDf The name of the affected parameter in the mentioned data function on the form 'inputParameter.Name' in df: 'dataFunction.Name' or 'outputParameter.Name' in df: 'dataFunction.Name'.
params For some operations we do not have the exact functionality, but this information can help identify the action.
path The path.
payLoad An object or a map containing information related to the specific action.
permission The permission.
position The position in the analysis or in the visualization. Can be top or bottom.
postSize The size afterwards (in bytes).
predictorsType The column categorization and data type.
preSize The size before (in bytes).
prefType The type of the preference.
processType The type of the scheduled update process, such as load, unload, or stop_loading.
propertyDataType The data type of the document property.
propertyName The name of the document property.
recursive Indicates whether the performed action was recursive.
resourcePool The resource pool used in the specific scheduled update.
ruleName The name of the rule.
ruleId The unique identifier of the rule.
scheduleId The unique identifier for the scheduled update.
scheduleName The friendly name of the schedule update entry.
serialNumber Every certificate has a serial number.
serviceEndpoint The service endpoint that is called when a user runs an external action.
serviceUrl The link to the Spotfire web service. (The web service is the Spotfire Web Player instance on which the scheduled update is running. This can be the same as destination.
serviceStatus That status for the scheduled update service. Can be one of the following.
  • Failed
  • Installing
  • Restart
  • Running
  • Starting
  • Stopped
  • Stopping
  • Unreacheable
signatureStatus The signature status at the time the user added the trust, e.g., Signed, Unsigned, Invalid, Unknown
sizeb The size (in bytes).
sort The type (a user or a group).
sortBy The values of the document properties by which the document properties are sorted.
sortingOrder The order the values are sorted in. Can be Ascending or Descending.
status The current status of the job or task.
subjectDN Distinguished name for a certificate.
taskId The unique identifier of the task.
tileMode The arrangement of the visualizations.
title The document title.
triggerType The type of action trigger. Can be one of the following.
  • Floating button
  • Right-click menu option
  • Title bar button
trusted The user that is trusted.
trusting The principal (user or group) that is trusting a signer.
type The type that the hash represents, e.g., mod.
uName The user name.
unused This property is not used.
menuVisibility The visibility of the filtering scheme menu. Can be showFilteringSchemeMenu or hideFilteringSchemeMenu.
visualizationAreaMode The page visualization mode.
visualizationTitle The title of the visualization.
visualizationType The type of the visualization.
which section (string) Specifies the section in Recommended in the files and data flyout.