Frequency Tables - Quick Tab

Select the Quick tab of the Frequency Tables dialog box to access options to quickly review a selection of results of the specified frequency tables analysis. More advanced options are available on the other tabs of this dialog box.

Summary: Frequency tables

Click the Summary: Frequency tables button to produce a cascade of frequency tables for the selected variables, one spreadsheet per variable.

The manner in which the variables are categorized for the frequency tables is determined by the selection of options in the Categorization method for tables & graphs box (see the Advanced tab). The options in the Display options for frequency tables group box (see the Options tab) determine the different summary statistics that will be reported in the frequency tables. If any Tests for normality are selected (if any of the check boxes in that group box are set, see the Normality tab), for each variable, an additional spreadsheet with the results for the respective selected tests will be displayed (test for other non-normal distributions are available in the Distribution Fitting and the Survival Analysis modules).


Click the Histograms button to produce a cascade of histograms for the selected Variables, one histogram per variable.

The manner in which the variables are categorized for the histograms is determined by the same settings of options as for Summary: Frequency tables.

Descriptive statistics

Click the Descriptive statistics button to produce a spreadsheet of descriptive statistics for the selected Variables.

The manner in which data are processed in the computation of descriptive statistics depends on the Categorization method for tables & graphs (see the Advanced tab). Specifically:

  1. If the Step size option button is selected and a user-specified minimum is specified, all cases with values less than the minimum will be ignored;
  2. If the Integer categories option button is selected, all non-integer values will be ignored;
  3. If the Specific grouping codes (values) option button is selected then all values that do not match any of the selected integer codes will be ignored;
  4. If the User-specified categories option button is selected, the Descriptive statistics button will be dimmed (because complex compound conditions can be specified to assign cases to categories, which could result in a case being eligible for more than one category). A case will be assigned to the first User-specified interval to which it "fits" and Descriptive statistics will not be calculated for these intervals (see also Define Categories).

In all cases, missing data will be deleted either casewise or pairwise, depending on the selection in the MD deletion group box.

3D histograms, bivariate distributions

Click the 3D histograms, bivariate distributions button to produce a cascade of 3D histograms for selected pairs of variables, one plot per pair.

A standard variable selection dialog box will display in which you select two lists of variables (from among those originally selected via the Variables option). 3D histograms will be produced for each variable in the first list with each variable in the second list.