Define Categories

Click the User-specified categories button on the Frequency Tables dialog box - Advanced tab to display the Define Categories dialog box. Use the options in this dialog box to specify up to 16 case selection conditions that will be used in the computation of the frequency table to assign cases to categories. The selection conditions will be checked sequentially. That is, a case will be assigned to the first category where it fits.

Note: you can also create a new (grouping) variable in the data file and compute it accordingly. For example, this is useful when you need to re-code data in a way that requires that the values of the target variable are not fixed but calculated following some specific formulas (for example, as an average of values of some other variables), use the spreadsheet formulas or, for more complex re-coding, write the necessary re-coding functions in the Statistica Visual Basic environment.


This set of (two) case selection conditions will result in (translate to ) two categories in the frequency table.

  • Category 2: Include if: v1<0     It will include all cases with values for variable 1 less than zero.


You can define up to 16 categories by entering up to 16 case selection conditions. The selection conditions will be checked sequentially.  That is, a case will be assigned to the first category where it fits.  All cases that do not fit any of the case selection conditions will be excluded from the analyses.

  • Include/Exclude if: When you choose Include if and the selection condition evaluates to true, cases (observations) that meet the condition will be assigned to the respective category (unless the same case was placed into a previous category where it also fit). Exclude if will assign cases to the respective category if they do not meet the specified selection condition.
  • Case selection condition: Specify the case selection condition in the blank Category line following the standard StatisticaCase Selection Conditions.
  • Operators: =, <>, <, >, <=, >=, NOT, AND, OR
  • Variable Names: Specify either variable numbers (such as v1, v2, v3, . . . ) or variable names (such as Gender, Date, time, . . .).
  • Case Number: v0
  • Examples: v1=0 OR v2>=0;

(v1<1 OR v9='YES' )  AND v4<>0

  • Be sure to use single quotation marks to reference the text labels of variables, for example: 'Yes.'


Click the Open/Save button to open (and use for categorizing) an existing standard  StatisticaCase Selection Conditions file (those that can be used to select/filter cases for all analyses in Statistica ) as well as save the current condition in each Category. Clicking the Open/Save button will display the Case Selection Conditions dialog box, where you can edit, save, or open case selection conditions (these are the same conditions that are used for processing subsets of cases throughout Statistica ). Case selection conditions saved in this dialog box are saved under the file name extension *.sel. These case selection conditions are then used as categorization conditions when you click OK in the Case Selection Conditions dialog box.

Review variables

Click the Review variables button to display the Variables dialog box, from which you can view the variables in the spreadsheet.

Open All

Click the Open All button to display the Open Case Selection Conditions File dialog box, from which you can select a file (containing all of the case selection conditions) to open into the Define Categories dialog box. Files opened from this dialog are text files with the file name extension *.txt.

Save All

Click the Save All button to display the Save Case Selection Conditions File dialog box, from which you can designate a file to save the case selection conditions into. This file will be saved in text file format (*.txt extension).