Plot: Pies
Pie charts are one of the most common graph formats used for representing proportions or frequencies. The options described here are for customizing the display of slices and the placement of the pie in the graph. These options are available in the Pies dialog box as well as on the Pies tab of the Graph Options dialog box.
Although all of the options are the same for each plot, you can make changes to each plot independently of the other. Select here the plot to which you want to make changes. If you have several plots in one graph, you may want to assign names to each plot using the Name option on the General tab.
Multiple pie options
Click this button to display the Multiple Pies dialog box, which is used to specify placement of pies in graphs with multiple pies.
You can change the appearance of the pie by choosing either the 2-dimensional (2D) or 3-dimensional (3D) display in this option. The default option is 3D.
The pie shape can be either circular (select Circle) or elliptical (select Ellipse). However, choosing the Ellipse option may cause the slices to be disproportionate in size (i.e., the slices that follow radii close to the vertical axis of the screen or paper will look relatively larger than their real size as compared to the "horizontal" slices which will be "squeezed" in perspective and will appear smaller). The default option is Ellipse.
Slices display
The options in this box control a variety of display features.
Each pie slice has an assigned number to aid you in customizing the various slices.
Each pie slice is represented by a numbered color square (the first slice is in the "12 o'clock" position) on this tab. You can change the pattern and color of a slice area by clicking on its color square to display the Area Properties dialog box.
This option will allow you to "explode" (check the Explode box under each slice number) some or all of the slices of the pie.
Slide shading
Drag the slider between Off and Max to enable the amount of shading on the sides of the Pie chart.
Explode distance
Drag the slider between Min and Max to set the distance a pie slice is extended when it is selected to be "exploded" from the pie.
Slice borders
Click on this button to display the Line Properties dialog box, from which you can de-activate the border or select a pattern, color and thickness for the border around the slice. The current slice border specifications will be shown in the view window on the Slice borders button.
Copy attributes to other pies
Select this check box to apply changes made in one pie of a categorized pie chart to all other pies in the chart. This option is enabled by default.
The options in this box affect the position and appearance of the plot.
X, Y radius
When you select the Ellipse pie shape option, you can change the size of the pie ellipse by adjusting the X and Y Radii (represented in terms of % of the x- and y-axis, respectively).
This option allows you to specify the thickness (in percentages of the Y radius) of the 3D pie chart.
The Angle option allows you to rotate the pie in order to change the starting position for the first slice of the pie (i.e., change the Angle in degrees; by default 0° = "12 o'clock").
Click this button to display the Graphics Styles dialog box, where you can choose the plot style to use. For more information about graphic styles, see Graphics Styles Overview.