Work Item Columns

Work item columns show you information about the work items in your list. Not all columns are displayed by default.

You can select which columns are displayed, either by using the Column Selector dialog (see Configuring Work Item Columns) or when creating a work view (see Creating Work Views)

Column Name Description
Name The name of the user task associated with the work item. This is specified in TIBCO Business Studio at design-time.
Process ID A unique alphanumeric value identifying the process which is generated when a process is created.
Process Name The name of the process from which the work item was created.
Process Instance ID A unique alphanumeric value identifying the process instance from which the work item was created.
Process Description A description of the process from which the work item was created. This is specified in TIBCO Business Studio by defining a data field called AMX_PROCESSDESC and adding it to the process at design-time.
Activity ID Identifies the user activity within the process that generated the work item. This number can be used in Event Views to identify the work item across all components.
Activity Name The name of the user activity within the process that generated the work item.
Description The label of the user task associated with the work item. This is specified in TIBCO Business Studio at design-time.
State The work item’s current state. See Work Item State.
ID A unique number identifying the work item.
Priority A numeric value indicating the relative importance of the work item. For more information, see Changing Work Item Priority.
Start Date The scheduled date and time specified for the work item. Example: 2008-08-30 15:00:00. If no scheduled date and time has been specified for the work item, the column is empty.
Deadline Contains a clock icon if the work item has a deadline by which the work item must be worked on and submitted.
  • The icon is a blue alarm clock the work item has not missed the deadline.
  • The icon is a red alarm clock the work item has missed the deadline.

Note that:

  • Deadline is not displayed by default. You must select it from the column selector dialog. See Configuring Work Item Columns.
  • Openspace compares the target date and time of the work item with the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM server’s date and time, not the date and time of your client machine.
Target Date The date and time the work item is scheduled to be completed. Example: 2012-08-30 15:00:00
Visible Indicates whether or not the work item is visible. For information, see Displaying Visible Hidden Work Items.
Group ID This identifies a number of work items that are grouped together in the process definition for some purpose.
Distribution Strategy Describes the method used to distribute the work item when it was originally created, either offered or allocated.
Schedule Status The schedule status indicates where the work item is within its schedule period. The schedule period is from the start date/time (shown in the Start Date column) to the target date/time (shown in the Target Date column). The schedule states are:
  • BEFORE - The work item schedule period has not started yet.
  • DURING - The work item is within the schedule period. When the schedule status is DURING, you cannot open the work item.
  • AFTER - The scheduler period has completed.
  • NO_SCHEDULE - No schedule period has been defined for the work item.
Attribute 1 - Attribute 40 These fields are used to contain data that is associated with a work item. They are specified in TIBCO Business Studio. Once these fields are specified they can be used to filter the work items in your work item list. See:
Work Type ID A unique alphanumeric value identifying the work type when the work type is generated. Work types are created in TIBCO Business Studio.
Work Type Name The name of the work type. Work types are created in TIBCO Business Studio.
Work Type Description The description of the work type. This is specified in TIBCO Business Studio when the work type is created.

You can customize the columns that are displayed by using the Column Selector, see Configuring Work Item Columns.