Configure the Work View Filter

The Filter screen in the Create new view wizard allows you to optionally specify filter criteria for the work view.

Note: If you do not want to specify any filter criteria, you can click Next to continue to the next screen in the Create new view wizard.


  1. From the Filter on: drop-down list, select the work item column you want to filter on.
    See Work Item Columns for more information.
  2. Click to display a dialog that allows you to configure your filter information for that particular work item column.
    The dialog allows you to select a logical operator. Logical operators allow you to choose how the specified value is to be compared to the actual values in the column. You can specify equal to, not equal to, less than, etc. The default is "equal to".
  3. For each column indicator, use the value field to enter the value for the items you want returned.
    The way in which you enter a value depends on the data type for the column indicator you have selected. For example, to display all work items whose start date is prior to Oct. 1, 2010, select the Start Date column indicator, choose the “LessThan” logical operator, then choose Oct. 1, 2010 from the value field date picker. See Work Items for information on how to configure filters for each work item column.
    Once you have created your filter, the Server Filter String at the bottom of the dialog displays the actual filter string that is passed to the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM server.
    Note: The Server Filter String always displays the default names for the filter criteria. For example, work item attributes always display as Attribute 1, Attribute 2 and so on.
  4. (Optional) Define filter grouping. See Grouping for more information about defining groups. To do this:
    1. Select the filter criteria you want to group. Choose one of the following:
      • No group - No filter grouping is configured. This is the default setting.
      • New group - Add the currently selected filter criteria to a new group.
      • Previous group - Add the currently selected filter criteria to a previous group.
    2. Click AND or OR, depending on your requirements.
      Note: You can use the filter string at the bottom of the dialog to view your filter expression.
  5. (Optional) Select Only show hidden items if you want to display hidden work items.
  6. Repeat these steps for each item that you want to set filter criteria for.
  7. To remove the filters, click () beside the filter you want to remove.