Uninstalling in Silent Mode
Uninstalling in silent mode allows you to uninstall without user inputs by pointing to a response file.
For unistallation, you need to create a response (.silent) file with the needed uninstallation parameters. You can use the
.SILENT file provided with the installation package as a template.
Use the -silent command for performing the silent uninstallation. Pass the absolute path of the response file as an argument if the response file is not located in the same folder as TIBCOUniversalInstaller.
The following sample content of the
Uninstall.silent file removes all products from the specified
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd"> <properties> <comment>---Universal Installer Silent Installation Properties---</comment> <entry key="uninstallProductID">*</entry> <entry key="uninstallProductVersion">*</entry> <entry key="uninstallTIBCOHome">C:\BE\BE520</entry> </properties>
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