The term mode refers to cache object management behavior. If a cache is enabled for the project, you can set objects (either globally or individually) to use one of three modes: Cache Only, Cache + Memory, or Memory Only.
The default mode for a cache cluster is Cache Only. However the default mode of a database concept is Memory Only. See
TIBCO BusinessEvents Developer’s Guide for more details about modes.
In TIBCO BusinessEvents Studio, open the project CDD file for editing.
In the Cluster tab, expand
Add. Select the database concept you want to override and click
In the tree on the left, select the
/uri entry for the database concept and select Cache Only or Cache+Memory.
Note: Cache+Memory is recommended only for constants or concepts whose values change infrequently. It is not generally appropriate for database concepts. If you select Cache+Memory, additional configuration is required. See
TIBCO BusinessEvents Developer’s Guide for details.
Save the resource.
Note: Most other override properties relate to backing store. Database concepts cannot be enabled for inclusion in a backing store. Any backing store settings are ignored.
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