All Classes and Interfaces

Represents a transformation function of TransformationCategory.AGGREGATE.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from boolean to string.
Mapping step for a constant value.
Represents a transformation function of TransformationCategory.CONVERSION.
Looks up value from an EBX table.
Represents a transformation function of TransformationCategory.CROSS_REFERENCE.
Mapping step for a CrossReference.
Template specification for CSV export.
Field in a CSVTable.
Template specification for CSV import.
Represents the CSV source table in a TableMapping.
Specification for a CSVSourceTable.
Builder for creating an instance of CSVSourceTableSpec.
Table structure in a CSV data source.
Represents the CSV target table in a TableMapping.
Specification for a CSVTargetTable.
Builder for creating an instance of CSVTargetTableSpec.
Global options for formatting and parsing various data types.
Represents an error with user-friendly message happened during a data integration task.
Contains all results of a data integration execution.
Executes a data integration task.
Global specification for a data integration task.
Data type definition for a Field, and the InputDefinition and OutputDefinition of a TransformationDefinition.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from date time to string.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from date to string.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from decimal to String.
Default data types provided by the add-on.
Field in an EBXTable.
Represents the EBX source table in a TableMapping.
Specification for an EBXSourceTable.
Builder for creating an instance of EBXSourceTableSpec.
Table structure (an AdaptationTable) in an EBX data source.
Specification for EBXSourceTableSpec and EBXTargetTableSpec..
Represents the EBX target table in a TableMapping.
Specification for an EBXTargetTable.
Builder for creating an instance of EBXTargetTableSpec.
Represents a transaction when importing data into EBX.
Template specification for transfer data from a EBX table to another EBX table.
Strategy to write into EBX.
Template specification for Excel export.
Field in an ExcelTable.
Template specification for Excel import.
Represents the Excel source table in a TableMapping.
Specification for an ExcelSourceTable.
Builder for creating an ExcelSourceTableSpec instance.
Table structure (a sheet) in an Excel data source.
Represents the Excel target table in a TableMapping.
Specification for an ExcelTargetTable.
Builder for creating an ExcelTargetTableSpec instance.
Field in a Table.
FieldMatcher<SF extends Field,TF extends Field>
Strategy to match source fields with target fields when mapping fields.
Represents the value structure of a generic input or output of a transformation.
Allows you to overwrite the dataset configured in an import or export template.
The definition of a transformation's input.
Represents a transformation function to aggregate integers.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from integer to string.
Global mapping specification.
MappingStep<SF extends Field,TF extends Field>
Steps to construct a mapping from source to target within a TableMapping.
Allows the selection of an exact MappingStep in a TableMapping.
Builds a complex MappingStepSelector by traversing mapping steps in a TableMapping.
Represents mapping steps that can have more than one output value.
The definition of a transformation's output.
The definition of a transformation's parameter.
Unique path for a Field or a Table.
Represents mapping steps that have only one output.
Mapping step for a source Field.
SourceTable<T extends Table<F>,F extends Field>
Represents a source table in a TableMapping.
Represents a transformation function definition that splits the input string at the location of the defined separator and outputs an unbounded list of values.
Represents a transformation function of TransformationCategory.SPLIT.
Mapping step for a SplitTransformationDefinition.
Template specification for SQL export.
Field in an SQLTable.
Template specification for SQL import.
Represents the SQL source table in a TableMapping.
Specification for an SQLSourceTable.
Table structure in an SQL data source
Specification for SQLSourceTableSpec and SQLTargetTableSpec.
Represents the SQL target table in a TableMapping.
Specification for an SQLTargetTable.
Defines the strategy to write into a table in a database.
Represents a transformation function to concatenate strings.
Represents a transformation definition for splits the input string at the location of the defined separator.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from string to boolean.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from string to date.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from string to date time.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from string to time.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from string to URI.
Represents a transformation definition for string upper case.
Table<F extends Field>
Represents a table in a data source.
TableMapping<SF extends Field,TF extends Field>
Mapping between a SourceTable and a TargetTable.
Context to modify an existing TableMapping.
TableMappingModifier<ST extends SourceTable<?,?>,TT extends TargetTable<?,?>>
Allows modification of an existing TableMapping.
Result for a TableMapping after performing a data integration execution.
TableMappingSelector<ST extends SourceTable<?,?>,TT extends TargetTable<?,?>>
Selects an exact TableMapping in a MappingSpec.
Mapping step for a target Field.
TargetTable<T extends Table<F>,F extends Field>
Represents a target table in a TableMapping.
TemplateConfig<ST extends SourceTable<?,?>,TT extends TargetTable<?,?>>
Configures a user template.
TemplateSpec<ST extends SourceTable<?,?>,TT extends TargetTable<?,?>>
Abstract specification for a user template.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from time to string.
Categories of transformations.
Allows to access the configuration of a transformation.
Definition of a transformation.
Accesses the data to be transformed.
Transforms data based on TransformationDefinition.
Mapping step for a TransformationDefinition.
Registers TransformationDefinitions to be displayed in the mapping screen.