Interface ReadContext

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ReadContext
Provides a read-access facade to objects in a tree structure conforming to an underlying data model.

See data model.

Accessing a node

Any node in the structure can be accessed using its path from the root node of the structure.

Node value

If defined, the value of a node exists as:

  • an instance of the corresponding XML Schema type, and
  • an instance of the Java class that maps to the XML Schema type. It is a JavaBean, if the XML Schema type is a terminal "complex content".

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    get(Path aPath)
    Returns the value of the specified node.
    get(SchemaNode aNode)
    Returns the value of the specified node.
    Returns the boolean value of the node specified.
    get_int(Path aPath)
    Returns the int value of the specified node.
    getDate(Path aPath)
    Returns the Date value of the node specified.
    <T> List<T>
    getList(Path aPath)
    Returns the List value of the specified node.
    Returns the path to the resource that is contained in the specified node.
    Returns the path (including the path of the module) to the resource that is contained by the node specified.
    getString(Path aPath)
    Returns the String value of the node specified.
    getTable(Path aPath)
    Returns the table object at the specified path, never null.
    Returns true if debug mode is activated for the current module.
    For debugging purposes, adds an HTML representation to the writer specified.
  • Method Details

    • get

      Object get(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the value of the specified node. Returns null if the value of the node is undefined.

      If this method is called on an Adaptation, a lookup mechanism is used to retrieve the value (see Inheritance and value resolution).

      Access and mapping rules

      The access and mapping rules between XML Schema and Java are described in the chapter Mapping to Java.

      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      UnavailableContentError - If the associated data model has errors, or when some inter-dataset links have errors in the context of the current dataspace.
      See Also:
    • get

      Returns the value of the specified node.

      This method is equivalent to get(aNode.getPathInAdaptation()), but is slightly more efficient.

      UnavailableContentError - If the associated data model has errors or when some inter-dataset links have errors in the context of the current dataspace.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified node is null or does not belong to the same table as the current one if this instance is a record.
    • get_boolean

      boolean get_boolean(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the boolean value of the node specified. Returns false if no value is defined.

      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if the value of the node is not a boolean, that is, the underlying type node is not an XML Schema boolean type.
      See Also:
    • get_int

      int get_int(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the int value of the specified node. Returns 0 if no value is defined.

      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if the value of the node is not an int, i.e. the underlying type node is not an XML Schema integer type.
      See Also:
    • getDate

      Date getDate(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the Date value of the node specified. Returns null if no value is defined.

      The mapping rules of the types xs:date and xs:time have some particularities that are described in Mapping to Java.

      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if the value of the node is not a Date, that is, the underlying type node is not an XML Schema date type.
      See Also:
    • getList

      <T> List<T> getList(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the List value of the specified node. Returns a new empty ArrayList if no value is defined.

      A node contains a List when, in the XML Schema, the corresponding node has been declared with maxOccurs > 1. The complete access and mapping rules between XML Schema and Java are described in the chapter Mapping to Java.

      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if the value of the node is not a List, that is, the underlying type node does not have maxOccurs > 1 in XML Schema.
      See Also:
    • getResourcePathInModule

      String getResourcePathInModule(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the path to the resource that is contained in the specified node. Returns null if no value is defined.

      The returned path can be passed as an argument to ServletContext.getResource(java.lang.String) methods: the path begins with a "/", after the specific path of the web application (non-inclusive).

      For example:
      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if the value of the node is not an external resource, that is, the underlying type node is not an XML Schema resource type.
      See Also:
    • getResourcePathWithModule

      String getResourcePathWithModule(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the path (including the path of the module) to the resource that is contained by the node specified. Returns null if no value is defined.

      The path starts with a "/" and includes the web application's specific path.

      For example:
      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if the value of the node is not an external resource, that is, the underlying type node is not an XML Schema resource type.
      See Also:
    • getString

      String getString(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the String value of the node specified. Returns null if no value is defined.
      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if the value of the node is not a String, that is, the underlying type node is not an XML Schema string type.
      See Also:
    • getTable

      AdaptationTable getTable(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the table object at the specified path, never null.
      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if value of the node is not an instance of AdaptationTable, that is, the underlying type node is not declared as a table.
      See Also:
    • isEndUserDebug

      boolean isEndUserDebug()
      Returns true if debug mode is activated for the current module. This mode is configured using property frontEnd.debugMode in the file (default is defined in
    • toHtmlString

      void toHtmlString(Writer aWriter)
      For debugging purposes, adds an HTML representation to the writer specified. The table hierarchically displays the values in this context.