Interface ValueContextForValidation

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public interface ValueContextForValidation extends ValueContext
This container interface provides services for performing validations on nodes containing values.

Messages that have been added can be accessed as items in the context of a validation report.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addMessage

      void addMessage(UserMessage msg)
      Adds the specified validation message.

      This method creates a new validation item whose subject is the node that is currently being validated. The validation item is also included in the node, so that it can be accessed using the method Adaptation.getValidationReportForNode(com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaNode, boolean).

      When displaying the message, EBX® usually adds information about the subject. For example, the validation report in EBX® user interface displays the subject as a hyperlink. Consequently, it is not necessary to manually include this contextual information in the message argument.

      On user input validation (not in the global validation report), the display of the messages associated with the current node behaves as follows:

      • If several messages with different severities are defined for the current node, then the message with the highest severity will be displayed on the associated user interface component.
      • If several messages with the same severity are defined for the current node, then the first message that was added will be displayed on the associated user interface component.

      Consequently, not all specified validation messages may be displayed on the associated user interface component. However, they will be displayed at the record level if the current node is in a record, or at root level if the current node is not in a record.

      See Also:
    • addError

      void addError(String aMessage)
      Adds the specified error message.
      See Also:
    • addInfo

      void addInfo(String aMessage)
      Adds the specified information message.
      See Also:
    • addWarning

      void addWarning(String aMessage)
      Adds the specified warning message.
      See Also:
    • hasErrorsOnNode

      boolean hasErrorsOnNode()
      Returns true if the current node has errors.
    • getFunctionalDataspace

      AdaptationHome getFunctionalDataspace()
      Returns the dataspace that contains the adaptation for which the validation has been requested.