Package com.orchestranetworks.instance

package com.orchestranetworks.instance

Provides interfaces for accessing data sets.

Access and mapping rules

The access and mapping rules between XML Schema and Java are described in the chapter Mapping to Java.













  • Class
    Identifies a dataspace in a repository.
    This interface allows interacting with the name of columns in the database.
    Defines the possible inheritance modes for a record.
    Specifies the features of a dataspace or snapshot to be created.
    Abstract superclass for dataspace and snapshot identifiers.
    Context providing information on a record creation.
    Represents the data repository in EBX®.
    Thrown when a technical problem occurs while accessing data, for example, due to unavailable resources.
    Allows anonymizing records.
    Provides access to a record to be anonymized, granting the privilege to modify the value of its fields.
    Provides general management information about a repository.
    Identifies a repository in a persistent manner.
    Defines the administrative actions for purging a repository.
    Defines the status of a repository regarding the ownership of the database.
    Thrown to indicate when an access to a value is not possible because of some inconsistencies in the data.
    Common interface for accessing the content and context of a dataset or record.
    This container interface enhances the validation interface with the possibility to set values that will be automatically validated against the underlying data model.
    This container interface provides services for performing validations on nodes containing values.
    This interface represents a validation context for a record, in the scope of a constraint on table that performs checks at the record-level.
    This interface provides the services for accessing the content of a table and for adding validation messages in the context of a validation process.
    Identifies a snapshot in a repository.