Interface ConstraintOnNull

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ConstraintOnNull extends JavaBeanVersion
Defines a verification for values that are mandatory under certain circumstances.

Data model definition and life cycle

Any implementation of this interface must also implement the Constraint interface. As such, its data model declaration and its life cycle are the same as Constraint.

Restriction policy

As this interface serves as a restriction of the static data model constraint minOccurs, the method checkNull(ValueContextForValidation) is only called under the following conditions:

Data model definition Perform checkNull()
minOccurs="0" and maxOccurs="1" If no value is defined (null) and the dataset is activated
minOccurs > 0 No
maxOccurs > 1 No

NOTE: By default, constraints on null value are not checked on user input. In order to enable this check, the osd:checkNullInput property must be set and if the element is terminal, the dataset must also be activated.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method performs a check when no value is defined; adds error message if necessary.

    Methods inherited from interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.JavaBeanVersion

  • Method Details

    • checkNull

      void checkNull(ValueContextForValidation aValidationContext) throws InvalidSchemaException
      This method performs a check when no value is defined; adds error message if necessary.
      aValidationContext - the context
      InvalidSchemaException - if a dynamic condition in the data model prevents the execution of this method.