Interface JavaBeanVersion

All Known Subinterfaces:
Constraint<T>, ConstraintEnumeration<T>, ConstraintNomenclature, ConstraintOnNull, ConstraintOnTable, ConstraintOnTableWithRecordLevelCheck, TableRefFilter

public interface JavaBeanVersion
Defines a JavaBean behavior version. Any change of the behavior requires that the version be modified so that underlying persistent system is aware that it has changed and that it must be updated accordingly.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default int
    Returns the version number of this JavaBean.
  • Method Details

    • getBeanVersion

      default int getBeanVersion()
      Returns the version number of this JavaBean.

      At data model compilation this version number is used to check if the implementation of this JavaBean has changed, so that existing persisted validation reports are impacted accordingly.

      As a consequence, the returned version number MUST BE UPDATED whenever this JavaBean behavior is changed. Otherwise existing validation reports will be inconsistent and their content might be erroneous.

      Default returned value is 0.