Interface SchemaMetadataConstants

public interface SchemaMetadataConstants
This interface contains the paths to the nodes that hold the metadata associated to table records.
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final Path
    Path to the node that defines the creation time of a record.
    static final Path
    Path to the node that defines the creator of a record.
    static final Path
    Path to the node that specifies the definition mode of a record.
    static final Path
    Path to the group that holds the metadata.
    static final Path
    Path to the group that holds the system informations about a record.
    static final Path
    Path to the node that defines the time of the last modification of a record.
    static final Path
    Path to the node that defines last user who modified a record.
    static final Path
    Path to the node that defines the uuid of a record.
  • Field Details


      static final Path METADATA_PATH
      Path to the group that holds the metadata.

      static final Path SYSTEM_PATH
      Path to the group that holds the system informations about a record.

      static final Path CREATOR_PATH
      Path to the node that defines the creator of a record.

      The XML Schema data type Type of corresponding node is SchemaTypeName.XS_STRING. The value of the corresponding node is of type String

      This path can be used as the following:

       String userRef = record.getString(CREATOR_PATH);
      where record is an record object and userRef is the formatted reference of the user that has created the specified record.

      See Also:

      static final Path CREATION_TIME_PATH
      Path to the node that defines the creation time of a record.

      The XML Schema data type Type of corresponding node is SchemaTypeName.XS_DATETIME. The value of the corresponding node is of type Date.

      This path can be used as the following:

       Date timeOfCreation = record.getDate(CREATION_TIME_PATH);
      where record is an record object.

      See Also:

      static final Path UPDATER_PATH
      Path to the node that defines last user who modified a record.

      The XML Schema data type Type of corresponding node is SchemaTypeName.XS_STRING. The value of the corresponding node is of type String

      This path can be used as the following:

       String userRef = record.getString(UPDATER_PATH);
      where record is an record object and userRef is the formatted reference of the last user that has modified the specified record.

      See Also:

      static final Path UPDATE_TIME_PATH
      Path to the node that defines the time of the last modification of a record.

      The XML Schema data type Type of corresponding node is SchemaTypeName.XS_DATETIME. The value of the corresponding node is of type Date.

      This path can be used as the following:

       Date timeOfLastModification = record.getDate(UPDATE_TIME_PATH);
      where record is an record object.

      See Also:

      static final Path UUID_PATH
      Path to the node that defines the uuid of a record.

      The XML Schema data type Type of corresponding node is SchemaTypeName.XS_STRING. The value of the corresponding node is of type String.

      This path can be used as the following:

       String uuid = record.getString(UUID_PATH);
      where record is an record object.


      static final Path DEFINITION_MODE_PATH
      Path to the node that specifies the definition mode of a record.

      The XML Schema data type Type of corresponding node is SchemaTypeName.XS_STRING. The value of the corresponding node is of type String.

      Note: this node must not be used in any kind of filter or sort operation.

      This path can be used as the following:

       String definitionMode = record.get_string(DEFINITION_MODE_PATH);
      where record is an record object.

      See Also: