Interface SessionPermissions

public interface SessionPermissions
Defines a facade for checking the user's session permissions (access rights or actions) on dataspaces, snapshots, datasets, records, and nodes (tables, ...).
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getGlobalPermissionToAdministration

      AccessPermission getGlobalPermissionToAdministration()
      Returns whether the user has permission to access the Administration area in the user interface.
    • getGlobalPermissionToDataSpace

      AccessPermission getGlobalPermissionToDataSpace()
      Returns whether the user has permission to access the Dataspaces area in the user interface.
    • getGlobalPermissionToDataModel

      AccessPermission getGlobalPermissionToDataModel()
      Returns whether the user has permission to access the Data Models area in the user interface.
    • getGlobalPermissionToWorkflowModel

      AccessPermission getGlobalPermissionToWorkflowModel()
      Returns whether the user has permission to access the Workflow Models area in the user interface.
    • getGlobalPermissionToDataServices

      AccessPermission getGlobalPermissionToDataServices()
      Returns whether the user has permission to access the Data Services area in the user interface.
    • getGlobalPermissionToIde

      AccessPermission getGlobalPermissionToIde()
      Returns whether the user has permission to access the IDE user interface.
    • getHomeAccessPermission

      AccessPermission getHomeAccessPermission(AdaptationHome aDataSpaceOrSnapshot)
      Returns the current user's access rights on the dataspace or snapshot specified.
    • getAdaptationAccessPermission

      AccessPermission getAdaptationAccessPermission(Adaptation aDataSetOrRecord)
      Returns the current user's access rights on the specified dataset or record.
    • getNodeAccessPermission

      AccessPermission getNodeAccessPermission(SchemaNode aNode, Adaptation aDataSetOrRecord)
      Returns the current user's access rights on the specified node in an update/display context.

      When the specified node is not terminal, the access permission returned by this method is read-only if at least one of its children is not hidden, returns hidden otherwise.

      Note: There can be additional permission rules applying while in a creation context, in this case getNodeAccessPermissionForCreate(SchemaNode, AdaptationTable) should be used instead.

    • getNodeAccessPermissionForCreate

      AccessPermission getNodeAccessPermissionForCreate(SchemaNode aNode, AdaptationTable aTable)
      Returns the current user's access rights on the specified node in a creation context.

      When the specified node is not terminal, the access permission returned by this method is read-only if at least one of its children is not hidden, returns hidden otherwise.

    • getNodeAccessPermissionForForm

      AccessPermission getNodeAccessPermissionForForm(SchemaNode aNode, Adaptation aDataSetOrRecord)
      Returns the current user's access rights on the specified node when displayed in a form.

      When the specified node is a table record node and the specified adaptation is a dataset, permissions are evaluated in the context of a record creation. In such a case, there can be some additional permission rules applying (see AccessRuleForCreate).

      The access permission returned by this method is never less restrictive than the one returned by getNodeAccessPermission(SchemaNode, Adaptation).

    • getNodeActionPermissionForService

      ActionPermission getNodeActionPermissionForService(ServiceKey aServiceKey, SchemaNode aNode, Adaptation aDataSetOrRecord)
      Returns the current user's permissions for executing the service on the specified node. If the specified service is not found, ActionPermission.getDisabled() is returned.
    • getHomeActionPermissionToCreateChildBranch

      ActionPermission getHomeActionPermissionToCreateChildBranch(AdaptationHome aDataSpace)
      Returns the current user's permissions for creating child dataspaces from the dataspace specified.
    • getHomeActionPermissionToCreateChildVersion

      ActionPermission getHomeActionPermissionToCreateChildVersion(AdaptationHome aDataSpace)
      Returns the current user's permissions for creating child snapshots from the dataspace specified.
    • getHomeActionPermissionToInitializeMerge

      ActionPermission getHomeActionPermissionToInitializeMerge(AdaptationHome aDataSpace)
      Returns the current user's permissions for merging the dataspace specified.
    • getHomeActionPermissionToExportArchive

      ActionPermission getHomeActionPermissionToExportArchive(AdaptationHome aDataSpaceOrSnapshot)
      Returns the current user's permission for performing an archive export of the dataspace or snapshot specified.
    • getHomeActionPermissionToImportArchive

      ActionPermission getHomeActionPermissionToImportArchive(AdaptationHome aDataSpace)
      Returns the current user's permissions for performing an archive import into the dataspace specified.
    • getHomeActionPermissionToCloseHome

      ActionPermission getHomeActionPermissionToCloseHome(AdaptationHome aDataSpaceOrSnapshot)
      Returns the current user's permissions for closing the dataspace or snapshot specified.
    • isHomeOwner

      boolean isHomeOwner(AdaptationHome aDataSpaceOrSnapshot)
      Returns whether the current user is the owner of the dataspace or snapshot specified.
    • getHomeActionPermissionToLockHome

      ActionPermission getHomeActionPermissionToLockHome(LockSpec aSpec, AdaptationHome aDataSpace)
      Returns the current user's permissions for locking the dataspace specified.
      See Also:
    • getHomeActionPermissionToUnlockHome

      ActionPermission getHomeActionPermissionToUnlockHome(LockSpec aSpec, AdaptationHome aDataSpace)
      Returns the current user's permissions for unlocking the dataspace specified.
      See Also:
    • getHomeActionPermissionToCreateRootInstance

      ActionPermission getHomeActionPermissionToCreateRootInstance(AdaptationHome aDataSpaceOrSnapshot)
      Returns the current user's permissions for creating a root dataset.
    • getHomeActionPermissionToChangeOwner

      ActionPermission getHomeActionPermissionToChangeOwner(AdaptationHome aDataSpaceOrSnapshot)
      Returns the current user's permissions for changing the owner of the dataspace or snapshot specified.
    • getHomeActionPermissionToChangePermission

      ActionPermission getHomeActionPermissionToChangePermission(AdaptationHome aDataSpaceOrSnapshot)
      Returns the current user's permissions for changing permissions of the dataspace or snapshot specified.
    • getHomeActionPermissionForService

      ActionPermission getHomeActionPermissionForService(ServiceKey serviceKey, AdaptationHome aDataSpaceOrSnapshot)
      Returns the current user's permissions for executing the dataspace or snapshot service specified. If the specified service is not found, ActionPermission.getDisabled() is returned.
    • getInstanceActionPermissionToCreateChild

      ActionPermission getInstanceActionPermissionToCreateChild(Adaptation aDataSet)
      Returns the current user's permissions for creating child datasets from the dataset specified.
    • getInstanceActionPermissionToCreateDuplicate

      ActionPermission getInstanceActionPermissionToCreateDuplicate(Adaptation aDataSet)
      Returns the current user's permissions for duplicating the dataset specified.
    • getInstanceActionPermissionToDeleteInstance

      ActionPermission getInstanceActionPermissionToDeleteInstance(Adaptation aDataSet)
      Returns the current user's permissions for deleting the dataset specified.
    • getInstanceActionPermissionToActivateInstance

      ActionPermission getInstanceActionPermissionToActivateInstance(Adaptation aDataSet)
      Returns the current user's permissions for activating the dataset specified.
    • getInstanceActionPermissionForService

      ActionPermission getInstanceActionPermissionForService(ServiceKey serviceKey, Adaptation aDataSet)
      Returns the current user's permissions for executing the dataset service specified. If the specified service is not found, ActionPermission.getDisabled() is returned.
    • getTableActionPermissionToCreateRootOccurrence

      ActionPermission getTableActionPermissionToCreateRootOccurrence(AdaptationTable aTable)
      Returns the current user's permissions for creating a table record in the table specified.


      Access right on the table node for the current session is ignored when calling this method. To perform this additional check, method getNodeAccessPermission(SchemaNode, Adaptation) should also be called on the table node.

    • getTableActionPermissionForService

      ActionPermission getTableActionPermissionForService(ServiceKey serviceKey, AdaptationTable aTable)
      Returns the current user's permissions for executing the service in the table specified. If the specified service is not found, ActionPermission.getDisabled() is returned.
    • getOccurrenceActionPermissionToOverwrite

      ActionPermission getOccurrenceActionPermissionToOverwrite(Adaptation aRecord, AdaptationTable aTable)
      Returns the current user's permissions for overwriting the specified table record.


      Access right on the table node for the current session is ignored when calling this method. To perform this additional check, method getNodeAccessPermission(SchemaNode, Adaptation) should also be called on the table node.

      IllegalArgumentException - if aRecord is a dataset.
    • getOccurrenceActionPermissionToOccult

      ActionPermission getOccurrenceActionPermissionToOccult(Adaptation aRecord, AdaptationTable aTable)
      Returns the current user's permissions for occulting the specified table record.


      Access right on the table node for the current session is ignored when calling this method. To perform this additional check, method getNodeAccessPermission(SchemaNode, Adaptation) should also be called on the table node.

      IllegalArgumentException - if aRecord is a dataset.
    • getOccurrenceActionPermissionToDelete

      ActionPermission getOccurrenceActionPermissionToDelete(Adaptation aRecord, AdaptationTable aTable)
      Returns the current user's permissions for deleting the specified table record.


      Access right on the table node for the current session is ignored when calling this method. To perform this additional check, method getNodeAccessPermission(SchemaNode, Adaptation) should also be called on the table node.

      IllegalArgumentException - if aRecord is a dataset.
    • getSession

      @Deprecated Session getSession()
      Since 5.4.1, this method returns null if this instance has been created directly to evaluate user permissions.
      Returns the associated user session, or null if this instance has been created directly to evaluate user permissions.
      See Also: