Interface UILabelRendererContext

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public interface UILabelRendererContext extends UIBodyWriter
Provides a context for displaying a record.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getLocale

      Locale getLocale()
      Returns the current locale of the user session.
      RuntimeException - if this method is called by a renderer defined inside a foreign key constraint.
    • getURLForResource

      String getURLForResource(ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName)
      Returns the URL of the specified web resource, in the current module and for the current session locale. Returns null if called outside the context of an HTTP request (for instance through Adaptation.getLabel(Locale)).
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the resource type is internal (not accessible from HTTP).
      ModuleNotFoundException - if the alias or name specified does not correspond to a module.
      See Also:
    • getURLForResource

      String getURLForResource(ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName, Locale aLocale)
      Returns the URL of the specified web resource, in the current module (that is, the module of the current adaptation). Returns null if called outside the context of an HTTP request (for instance through Adaptation.getLabel(Locale)).
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the resource type is internal (not accessible from HTTP).
      ModuleNotFoundException - if the alias or name specified does not correspond to a module.
    • getURLForResource

      String getURLForResource(String aModuleAliasOrName, ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName, Locale aLocale) throws ModuleNotFoundException
      Returns the URL of the specified web resource. Returns null if called outside the context of an HTTP request (for instance through Adaptation.getLabel(Locale)).
      RuntimeException - if the resource type is internal (not accessible from HTTP).
      ModuleNotFoundException - if the alias or name specified does not correspond to a module.
    • getOccurrence

      Adaptation getOccurrence()
      Returns the current record that is being displayed.
    • displayOccurrenceValue

      String displayOccurrenceValue(Path aPath, boolean useLabels)
      Returns a user-friendly representation of the specified value, according the current locale.
      Value display

      A value can have be displayed differently from a standard XML formatted value since it can take into account locale-dependent formatting for numbers and dates and also, if useLabels is true for specific value labeling.

      For more information, see value display section.

      aPath - specifies the value to display in the record (a relative path is interpreted based on the root node of this context).
      useLabels - If true and labeling is enabled (see above), specifies that the label associated with the value must be returned. Otherwise, the formatted value is returned.
      IllegalStateException - if this node is not for a record (see getOccurrence()).
      RuntimeException - if this method is called by a renderer defined inside a foreign key constraint.
      See Also:
    • getLabelFromDefaultPattern

      String getLabelFromDefaultPattern()
      Returns the label resolved from the default pattern.

      If the table definition in the data model defines a pattern, then the returned label matches this pattern.

      The default pattern is looked up on the elements <defaultLabel [xml:lang="..."]>, which are specified by the table definition.

      If no pattern is defined, then the returned label is the formatted primary key. (The localized value of each node of the primary key separated by white spaces.)

      See Also:
    • getSession

      Session getSession()
      Returns the current user session.
    • isHTMLForbidden

      boolean isHTMLForbidden()
      Returns true if the HTML tags in the label are escaped. Returns false if they are interpreted.

      If this method returns true, then the HTML tags in the label are not interpreted and are displayed as plain text.

    • getCurrentPerspective

      Perspective getCurrentPerspective()
      Returns the current perspective.
    • getCustomViewContext

      UICustomViewContext getCustomViewContext()
      Returns the view context.