Interface UITableFilterResponseContext

All Superinterfaces:
UIBodyWriter, UIComponentWriter, UIDependencyRegisterer, UIJavaScriptWriter, UIResourceLocator, UISessionContext, UITableFilterContext

public interface UITableFilterResponseContext extends UITableFilterContext, UIComponentWriter
Encapsulates an HTTP request in order to display a table filter.
  • Method Details

    • getHttpRequest

      HttpServletRequest getHttpRequest()
      Returns the HTTP request corresponding to the current response.
    • getTable

      AdaptationTable getTable()
      Returns the current table.
    • getTableFilter

      AdaptationFilter getTableFilter()
      Returns the filter currently set on the table, null if no filter has been set.
    • getRenderingMode

      UIRenderingMode getRenderingMode()
      Returns the current rendering mode (edit or print).
    • getValue

      Object getValue(Path aPath)
      Returns the value at the specified path.
      aPath - the location of the target, relative to the current node (to maximize reusability, it is recommended to use a relative path).
    • getValueContext

      ValueContext getValueContext()
      Returns the value context of the current node.
    • getValueContext

      ValueContext getValueContext(Path aPath)
      Returns the validation context of the specified node.