Interface UIDropDownList

All Superinterfaces:
UIAtomicWidget, UIAtomicWithEnumeration, UIWidget

public interface UIDropDownList extends UIAtomicWithEnumeration
Simple HTML drop-down list.

It is generally recommended to use the more advanced combo box.

JavaScript type

The JavaScript type for this widget is a String corresponding to the selected key value. If the selection is empty (that is, the item [not defined] is selected), the value will be null.

If an afterValueChanged action has been set on this widget, the JavaScript type of the value will be the same.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getWidth

      Size getWidth()
      the width of the drop-down list, or null if it has not been defined.
      See Also:
    • setWidth

      void setWidth(Size width)
      Sets the width of the drop-down list.

      If the width is null, it will use the standard width of inputs defined in the Administration section, topic Ergonomics and layout.

      Default value is null.

      width - the width to set to the drop-down list, or null to reset to default.