Interface UIAtomicWidget

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
UIAtomicWithEnumeration, UIAtomicWithEnumerationItem, UICheckBox, UICheckBoxGroup, UIColorPicker, UIComboBox, UIDatasetSelector, UIDataspaceSelector, UIDateTime, UIDropDownList, UIListBox, UIPassword, UIRadioButton, UIRadioButtonGroup, UITextBox

public interface UIAtomicWidget extends UIWidget
This interface is common to all EBX® model-driven widgets based on a single data model field. These widgets are able to adapt their behavior to their field's definition in the data model (data type, display, user input validation, etc).
  • Method Details

    • getActionOnAfterValueChanged

      JsFunctionCall getActionOnAfterValueChanged()
      See Also:
    • setActionOnAfterValueChanged

      void setActionOnAfterValueChanged(JsFunctionCall aFunctionToBeCalled)
      Sets an action on the client-side that is triggered after the user has changed the value of the component.

      When the action is triggered, the JavaScript function is called as follows:

      <myFunction>(<val> [, <myArg>]);

      , where <myFunction> is the name of aFunctionToBeCalled and <val> is the value of the field; its type and format depend on the widget's class and is documented in the widget's Javadoc, under the section 'JavaScript type'. The second argument <myArg> is optional and is passed as a parameter only if specified by aFunctionToBeCalled.

      Note: If the Ajax prevalidation is enabled for the component, the action is triggered after the confirmation of the Ajax prevalidation (and it may take some time). The triggering event is not directly related to a particular HTML event.

      aFunctionToBeCalled - the JavaScript function to be called after the user has changed the value of the component.
    • isAjaxPrevalidationEnabled

      boolean isAjaxPrevalidationEnabled()
      true if the Ajax prevalidation is enabled, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • isAjaxValueSynchEnabled

      boolean isAjaxValueSynchEnabled()
      true if the value synchronization is enabled, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • setAjaxPrevalidationEnabled

      void setAjaxPrevalidationEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
      Ajax value prevalidation sends the value entered by the user to the server, usually when the focus leaves the field; then the constraints defined by the field are checked and the validation messages are raised automatically on the screen near the field.

      Data entered by the user are kept in a temporary context on the server. This method does not persist the data.

      Default value is true except if called in a UIBean.

      If set to false, it will also disable the value synchronization.

      If set to true, it will also enable the value synchronization.

      isEnabled - enables Ajax prevalidation so as to automatically display validation error messages on the page.
      See Also:
    • setAjaxValueSynchEnabled

      void setAjaxValueSynchEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
      Ajax value synchronization sends the value entered by the user to the server, usually when the focus leaves the field. Then the new value is parsed to be converted to the field datatype. If the value cannot be parsed, messages are displayed automatically on the screen near the field.

      The difference with setAjaxPrevalidationEnabled(boolean) is that the node constraints are not checked.

      Data entered by the user are kept in a temporary context on the server. This method does not persist the data.

      Default value is true.

      If set to false, it will also disable the Ajax prevalidation.

      If set to true, it will not re-enable the Ajax prevalidation if it had previously been disabled.

      isEnabled - enables Ajax value synchronization so as to automatically display formatting error messages on the page.
      See Also: