Interface UIAtomicWithEnumeration

All Superinterfaces:
UIAtomicWidget, UIWidget
All Known Subinterfaces:
UIAtomicWithEnumerationItem, UICheckBox, UICheckBoxGroup, UIComboBox, UIDropDownList, UIListBox, UIRadioButton, UIRadioButtonGroup

public interface UIAtomicWithEnumeration extends UIAtomicWidget
This interface is common to all EBX® model-driven widgets based on a single data model enumerated field. These widgets are able to propose possible values to the end user.
  • Method Details

    • getSpecificNomenclature

      <T> Nomenclature<T> getSpecificNomenclature()
      Returns the specific nomenclature defined for this component specification, or null if it has not been defined.
    • setSpecificNomenclature

      void setSpecificNomenclature(Nomenclature<?> specificNomenclature)
      Sets a specific nomenclature for this component.

      If the specified nomenclature is null, then the component will use its default enumeration.

      Default value is null.

      specificNomenclature - the specific Nomenclature to use for this component, or null to reset to default.