Interface UIListBox

All Superinterfaces:
UIAtomicWidget, UIAtomicWithEnumeration, UIWidget

public interface UIListBox extends UIAtomicWithEnumeration
Simple HTML list box, with multi-selection.

JavaScript type

The JavaScript type for this widget is an Array of String (String[]) corresponding to the selected keys. If no item is selected, the value will be an empty Array, that is, [].

If an afterValueChanged action has been set on this widget, the JavaScript type of the value will be the same.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getHeight

      Size getHeight()
      the height of the list box, or null if it is not defined.
      See Also:
    • setHeight

      void setHeight(Size height)
      Sets the height of the list box.

      If the height is null, the height will be automatic, depending to its content.

      Default value is null.

      height - the height to set to the list box, or null to reset to default, that is, automatic height.
    • getWidth

      Size getWidth()
      the width of the list box, or null if it has not been defined.
      See Also:
    • setWidth

      void setWidth(Size width)
      Sets the width of the list box.

      If the width is null, it will use the standard width of inputs defined in the Administration section, topic Ergonomics and layout.

      Default value is null.

      width - the width to set to the list box, or null to reset to default.