Interface UIRadioButtonGroup

All Superinterfaces:
UIAtomicWidget, UIAtomicWithEnumeration, UIWidget

public interface UIRadioButtonGroup extends UIAtomicWithEnumeration
Group of radio buttons based on an enumeration.

JavaScript type

The JavaScript type for this widget is a String corresponding to the selected key value. If no radio button is selected, the value will be null.

If an afterValueChanged action has been set on this widget, the JavaScript type of the value will be the same.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getColumnsNumber

      Integer getColumnsNumber()
      the number of columns defined for this radio button group, or null if it has not been defined.
    • setColumnsNumber

      void setColumnsNumber(int numberOfColumns)
      Sets the number of columns to use in the layout of the radio buttons.

      The number of columns must be greater than 0.

      numberOfColumns - the number of columns to use for the radio button group
      See Also:
    • setColumnsNumber

      void setColumnsNumber(Integer numberOfColumns)
      Sets the number of columns to use in the layout of the radio buttons.

      The number of columns must be either null or greater than 0.

      If the parameter is null, then the component will use its default number of columns.

      Default value: null.

      numberOfColumns - the number of columns to use for the radio button group, or null to reset to default.