Interface UserServicePaneWriter

All Superinterfaces:
UIBodyWriter, UIComponentWriter, UIDependencyRegisterer, UIFormWriter, UIJavaScriptWriter, UIResourceLocator, UISessionContext, UserServiceResourceLocator, UserServiceWriter

public interface UserServicePaneWriter extends UIFormWriter, UserServiceWriter

This interface provides useful methods for rendering a user service pane.

Path conventions

Some methods of this class have a Path parameter. These paths are always relative.

If a path is for an item of a dynamic model or a dataset adaptation, it is relative to the schema root element.

If a path is for an item of a record, the path is relative to the record root element.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setCurrentObject

      void setCurrentObject(ObjectKey anObjectKey)
      Sets the current object that will be used to resolve path expressions.
      anObjectKey - the key of an object of the current object context or null if no current object.
      See Also:
    • getCurrentObjectKey

      ObjectKey getCurrentObjectKey()
      Returns the key of the current object.
      The object key or null if no current object.
    • addPane

      void addPane(UserServicePane aPane)
      Adds a pane.
      aPane - the pane to be added.
    • newSubmitButton

      UIButtonSpecSubmit newSubmitButton(String aLabel, UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Creates a specification for a submit button.
      aLabel - the button's label.
      aCallback - the callback.
      the button specification.
    • newSubmitButton

      UIButtonSpecSubmit newSubmitButton(UserMessage aLabel, UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Creates a localized specification for a submit button.
      aLabel - the button's label.
      aCallback - the callback.
      the button specification.
    • newTabbedPane

      UserServiceTabbedPane newTabbedPane()
      Creates a tabbed pane.

      If this pane is added to a page whose structure may vary at each display, one should consider using instead the method {newTabbedPane(String).

      the new tabbed pane.
    • newTabbedPane

      UserServiceTabbedPane newTabbedPane(String anId)
      Creates a tabbed pane.
      anId - The id for the pane. If this pane is added to a page whose structure may vary at each display, id should be a fixed, non-null value. Not doing so prevents EBX® from reselecting previously selected tabs after a redisplay.
      the new tabbed pane.
    • getPreviousTabSelected

      String getPreviousTabSelected(String aTabbedPaneId)
      Returns the id of the selected tab of a tabbed pane prior to last submit or null if the tabbed pane was not yet submitted.
      aTabbedPaneId - A valid id of a tabbed pane.
      the tab id selected prior to the last submit or null if the tabbed pane was not yet submitted or if id is unknown.