Interface ServicePermissionRuleContext<S extends EntitySelection>

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ServicePermissionRuleContext<S extends EntitySelection> extends UserServiceInvocationContext<S>
Provides the context in which a service permission rule is being evaluated. Permissions can be evaluated for display or for execution.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the current selection.
    Returns the current service key.
    Returns the current session.
    When the permission is being evaluated for displaying or hiding the service as a toolbar action (a button or a menu item), returns the toolbar location containing this action.
    Returns true when the permission is being evaluated for displaying or hiding the service as a toolbar action (a button or a menu item).
    Returns true when the permission is being evaluated for displaying or hiding the service as part of a EBX® default menu.
    Returns true when the permission is being evaluated for executing the service (launched from a toolbar or accessed from a web component).
  • Method Details

    • getEntitySelection

      S getEntitySelection()
      Returns the current selection. Never returns null.

      Note: In the context of permission evaluation, the returned selection can be affected by whether a service permission is being evaluated for display or for execution. For instance when evaluating the service permission in a table view for display, the TableViewEntitySelection.getSelectedRecords() method will always return an empty result.

      Specified by:
      getEntitySelection in interface UserServiceInvocationContext<S extends EntitySelection>
    • getSession

      Session getSession()
      Returns the current session. Never returns null.
    • getServiceKey

      ServiceKey getServiceKey()
      Returns the current service key.
    • isForDisplay

      boolean isForDisplay()
      Returns true when the permission is being evaluated for displaying or hiding the service as a toolbar action (a button or a menu item).
      See Also:
    • isForDisplayInDefaultMenu

      boolean isForDisplayInDefaultMenu()
      Returns true when the permission is being evaluated for displaying or hiding the service as part of a EBX® default menu.
    • isForExecution

      boolean isForExecution()
      Returns true when the permission is being evaluated for executing the service (launched from a toolbar or accessed from a web component).
    • getToolbarLocation

      ToolbarLocation getToolbarLocation()
      When the permission is being evaluated for displaying or hiding the service as a toolbar action (a button or a menu item), returns the toolbar location containing this action. Returns null when isForDisplay() is false.