Available Packages
AMSInterface to the Streambase Artifact Managment System
arborRecursive Partitioning Trees
assertionTestFramework for Running Assertion Tests
baseThe Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R engine
compilerThe Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R compiler Package (functions not implemented)
graphicsThe Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Graphics Package (functions not implemented)
grDevicesThe Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R grDevices Package (functions not implemented)
gridThe Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R grid Package (functions not implemented)
methodsS4 Classes and Methods
parallelParallel Computing
RinREvaluate R Expressions in a Different R Interpreter
SdatasetsDatasets from S-PLUS
sjdbcJDBC Driver Interface
splinesThe Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R splines Package
splusTimeDateTimes and Dates from S-PLUS
splusTimeSeriesTime Series from S-PLUS
splusUtilsS-PLUS functions for Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R
SpotfireSpotfire integration functions
SpotfireConnectorFunctions for Handling Spotfire Data Functions
SpotfireDataSpotfire integration functions
SpotfireSPKSpotfire package building functions
SpotfireStatsStatistics from Within Spotfire
SpotfireUtilsFunctions for Using TERR from Spotfire
statsThe Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R stats Package
stats4The Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R stats4 Package
stattranInterface to StatTransfer Library
tcltkThe Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R tcltk Package (functions not implemented)
terrJavaSpotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Connection to Java
terrUtilsUtilities for Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R
tibbrConnectorR interface to TIBCO tibbr
toolsThe Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Tools Package
utilsThe Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Utils Package
validateValidation Tests
Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R 6.1.4