Switching Between Spaces
This page explains the different spaces where you can work.
TIBCO ModelOps contains two different spaces where you can work. A Space is nothing but a container for projects. In a space, you can modify artifacts, bind schemas, create scoring flows and pipelines, and deploy scoring pipelines, among other things. You can switch among Published Space view, Sandbox Space view, and Sandbox Space Only views by clicking on the toggle view button at the upper-left corner of the screen.
Sandbox Space
Sandbox Space is a private room specific to individual users. All active works (such as editing or modifying different types of artifacts, binding schemas, creating scoring flows and pipelines, and deploying pipelines) happen in Sandbox Space. Any work done in Sandbox Space is visible only to the current users. Other users can view this modification in the Published Space only after it has been published.
Published Space
Published space contains all the approved artifacts. You can view all the approved artifacts by other users in the Published Space view. The Published Space view is a read-only view and you cannot modify any artifacts in this space. To edit or modify any artifacts, you need to use the Sandbox Space view.
Published vs Sandbox vs Sandbox Only
The Published Space view displays all the published projects and artifacts. The Sandbox Only Space view displays all the edited and modified projects and artifacts. The Sandbox Space view is a combination of Published Space view and Sandbox Only Space view. This space displays all the modified as well as published projects and artifacts.