Connect to a Pivotal HAWQ Database

You can connect your Team Studio installation to a Pivotal HAWQ database.

Perform this task on the computer where Team Studio server is installed. Supported HAWQ versions can be found in System Requirements.


  • Check System Requirements to ensure you are using a supported version of Pivotal HAWQ.
  • You must have write access to the computer where Team Studio server is installed.
  • If another Team Studio user has greater privileges for a shared account database than you, the owner, that user must provide credentials to see the parts of the database denied to you.


  1. Open the Add Data Source dialog box.

  2. For Data Source Name, provide a user-facing name.
    You can provide any useful text.
  3. For Database Name, set the actual database name.

    Postgres is the default because many Greenplum users have a database with that name. If you are adding a database with a different name, provide the name here.

  4. Provide the Database Account and Database Password.

    These values are your database credentials.

  5. Optional: Select Set database credentials as a shared account if you intend to allow all users to access the data source without using their own credentials.

    Users access the database with your credentials as the data source owner. If you do not select this check box, each user must provide credentials for that data source to access it. You can check the box later if you change your mind.

  6. Select Use SSL if you are using SSL-enabled PostgreSQL and Greenplum

    If you choose this option, communications between Team Studio and the database are secured using SSL.

    Important: If you specify SSL, you must have installed an SSL certificate. See documentation about PostgreSQL JDBC/SSL Connections for more information.
  7. Optional: Provide an entry for the Description.