
The unlock command is used to force the unlocking of entries in a space. Entries can be unlocked using either the lock_id parameter or the all parameter. The lock ID of a space entry can be discovered using the show space <space_name> locks command.

You can use the command parameters to:

  • Unlock all entries in a space (For example, unlock space ‘myspace’ all)
  • Unlock all entries locked by a particular space member (For example, unlock space ‘myspace’ all member_name ‘member1’)
  • Unlock entries that satisfy a filter string (For example, unlock space ‘myspace’ all filter ‘state=CA’)
  • Unlock a subset of entries locked by a particular space member (For example, unlock space ‘myspace’ all member_name ‘member1’ filter ‘total>1000’)
  • Unlock a space entry that has a particular key value (For example, unlock space ‘myspace’ all filter ‘key=5’).


unlock space <string> 
(lock_id <string> | all 
[member_name <string>] [filter <string>])


The following table describes the parameters for this command.

unlock space Parameters
Parameter Description
space Specifies the name of the space to unlock.
lock_id Specifies the lock ID for the space to be unlocked.
all member_name <string> Unlock all entries locked by a specified member. For example, you can specify:

unlock space ‘myspace’ all member_name ‘member1

filter A string that specifies a filter to select entries to unlock.