show | describe space

Provides information about the space specified with the name parameter.


show | describe space <string>


See the Output section below for information on the output of the show | describe space command.


show | describe space Parameters
Parameter Description
space The name of the space for which information is needed. The name value must be in single or double quotes.


The output of the show | describe space command is displayed in the form of three tables as described in this section.

Space Definition Attributes

The first section of the output provides information about the space's attributes, arranged in the following columns:

Space Name
 The name of the space, as given when the space was defined.
Space State
 The current state of the space. The value can be initial (meaning that the Space needs more seeders or more persisters), loading (meaning the space is being loaded from the persistence layer), or ready (meaning the space has enough seeders, persisters, and has been loaded)
Distribution Policy
 Can be either distributed (meaning the space is distributed) or non_distributed.
Replication count
 The replication count is displayed. Default is 0, meaning there is no replication.
Replication Policy
 Can be sync or async.
 The capacity value for the space in number of entries per seeder. -1 indicates that there is no capacity limit.
Eviction policy
 The policy of the eviction to be applied when a space operation would cause the capacity to be exceeded. Can be none (no eviction) or LRU (least recently used eviction).
Min seeders
 The minimum number of seeders that need to be joined to the space before the space becomes ready.
Persistence Type
 Can be none, share_all, or, share_nothing.
Persistence Policy
 Can be none, sync or async.
Update transport
 The transport protocol used to distribute notifications of updates to the data stored in the space. Can be unicast or multicast.
Entry TTL
 The TTL (time-to-live) of the entries stored in the spaces in milliseconds. Default is -1 (forever).
Lock wait
 The Lock wait defined for the space is displayed. Default is -1 (forever).
Lock TTL
 The Lock TTL (time-to-live) defined for the space is displayed. Default is -1 (forever).
Lock scope
Indicates the lock scope for the space, if set. Can be thread or process.
Space wait
Indicates the space wait value for the space, if a space wait value has been set.
Write timeout
Indicates the write timeout value for the space, if a write timeout has been set.
Read timeout
Indicates the read timeout value for the space, if a read timeout has been set.
Version num
Indicates how many time the space definition has been changed since it was defined initially. This value is incremented for each alter space operation. The initial value is 0.


For each field, the name and type of the field, and whether or not the field is nullable (optional), is displayed.

Below this list of field definitions are names of all the fields that make up the space's key.

Key and Index

The display shows any primary keys that have defined for the space and secondary indexes. For each key or index, the output indicates the index type (HASH or TREE) and the fields for that key or index definition.

Key : {KeyDef index_type=HASH, fields=[KEY, field0, field1, field2]}

In addition, the display indicates any distribution fields that have been set up:

Distribution Fields: {[KEY, field0, field1, field2] }

Distribution fields are key fields that have been configured for affinity—for these fields, all tuples that have the same value are stored on the same seeder.


List the members of the space.


The count of put, get, take, seeded, and replicated entries is displayed, as well the number of expires, evictions, locks, unlocks and invoke, as well as a ToPersist count, which indicates how many tuples are required to be persisted to the database if the write-behind feature is configured. These counts are displayed per member and the cumulative count for all members connected to this space.