Launching the Admin CLI

The default location of the Admin CLI program is:



  1. Open a command window.
  2. Make sure that you have set the required environment variables as described in the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Installation document.
  3. Enter the following commands:
    cd <TIBCO_HOME>\as\<version>\bin

    You can specify the following command line options when starting as-admin:

    	[-help]                               display command line options
    	[-i(nput) <filepath>]                 specify file which contains admin commands to execute
    	[-s <start up command>]               specify admin command to execute first
    	[-c(onsole_log_level <log level>]     console logging level (fatal, error, warning, info, fine, finer, finest)
    	[-f(ile_log_level) <log level>]       enables file logging (fatal, error, warning, info, fine, finer, finest)
    	[-l(og) <log file>]                   file to use for file logging, default is <current directory>/log/as-<pid>.log
    	[-log_level <log level>]              same as -file_log_level
    	[-log_append (true | false)]          append to or clear contents of existing log file, default=true, append to
    	[-log_count <integer>]                maximum number of log files, default=1
    	[-log_size <integer>]                 byte limit for log file, default=-1, unlimited
    	[-monitor_system (true | false)]      enable or disable performance monitoring, default is false=disabled
     [-metaspace <string>]                 metaspace name, default=ms
    	[-member_name <string>]               unique member name, default=autogenerated name
    	[-discovery <string>]                 discovery url, default=tibpgm
    	[-listen <string>]                    listen url, default=tcp
    	[-remote_listen <string>]             remote listen url
    	[-rx_buffer_size <string>]            size of receive buffer to use for each transport connection, default 2mb
    	[-worker_thread_count <integer>]      number of threads to use for servicing remote invocations, default 32
    	[-data_store <string>]                data store path
    	[-member_timeout <integer>]           time in milliseconds to wait for a member to reconnect, default 30000
    	[-cluster_suspend_threshold <integer>]lost hosts allowed before membership operations are suspended, default don't suspend
    	[-connect_timeout <integer>]          time (in ms) to wait to connect to metaspace, default 30000ms
    	[-security_policy <string>]           security policy path
    	[-security_token <string>]            security token path
     [-history_size <integer>]             set size of command history buffer
    The Admin CLI prompt appears:
    Tip: The usage information for as-admin can be obtained by invoking as-admin -help from the ActiveSpaces bin directory in a command window.

    You can now enter Admin CLI commands.