show | describe system stats

If performance monitoring is enabled, displays system performance statistics for all of the members of the space.


show | describe system stats



Statistics Attributes

The as-admin show | describe member system stats command displays the following information:

Member Name
 Indicates the member name or the agent.
 Indicates the timestamp for the data that is displayed.
AS Version
 Indicates the ActiveSpaces version that is running.
User Name
 Indicates the user name of the user running the process.
Command Name
 Indicates the command used to start as-admin; for example, as-admin -monitor_system true.
Process ID
 Indicates the process ID for the process that is monitored.
System Name
 Indicates the operating system that is running.
CPU Count
  Indicates the number of CPUs running on the system.
Resident Memory (MB)
 Indicates the amount of physical memory currently allocated to the member or agent process.
Page File Size (MB)
 Indicates the current size of the system pagefiles allocated by the system.
JVM Finalizing Count
 The amount of memory freed by the finalize operation on the JVM.
CPU Load 
Indicates the load on the CPU, in MB.
Mem Load
 Indicates the memory load on the system.
 Indicates the number of threads running for the process.
JVM Heap
  Indicates the following information for the JVM heap:
  • Peak (MB) - Indicates the peak usage in MB.
  • Committed MB - The committed heap usage.
  • Max MB - The maximum heap usage.
JVM Nonheap
  Indicates the following information for the JVM:
  • Peak (MB) - Indicates the peak nonheap usage in MB.
  • Committed MB - The committed nonheap usage.
  • Max MB - The maximum nonheap usage.