show | describe members

Presents a short summary for each matching member connected to the metaspace including remote members.


(show | describe) members [count] [<string> | [member_name <string>]
                                                   [member_id <string>]
                                                   [process_name <string>]
                                                   [process_id <integer>]]


In addition to the name and ID of each member of the metaspace, the output includes the role of the member in the metaspace — whether the member is a metaspace manager or just a metaspace member.

If remote members are active, the output shows the remote members.


The following table describes the parameters for this command.

show | describe members Parameters
Parameter Description
count Optional. Shows the number of members connected to the metaspace instead of information about each member.
member Optional. A String containing the member name or member ID of the metaspace member. If this option is not specified then at least one of the options described in the following rows must be specified.
member_name Optional. Select members with specified member name.
member_id Optional. Select members with the specified member id.
process_name Optional. Select members whose process name matches the specified name.
process_id Optional. Select members with the specified process ID.