show | describe member

Presents information and statistics about the specified member.


(show | describe) member {<string> | [member_name <string>] 
[member_id <string>] [process_name <string>] [process_id <integer>]} 
[ stats [disk | nic] ]


The table shows parameters for this command.

show | describe member Parameters
Parameter Description
member Optional. A String containing the member name or member ID of the metaspace member. If this option is not specified, at least one of the options described in the following rows must be specified.
member_name Optional. Select members with specified member name.
member_id Optional. Select members with the specified member id.
process_name Optional. Select members whose process name matches the specified name.
process_id Optional. Select members with the specified process ID.


The following example shows output from the show member command.

show member 'test_member'
 Member id        : a62c8ce-c350-4febaa34-35e
 Member name      : test_member
 Member ip:port   :
 Member join time : 2012-06-28T00:49:56GMT
 Member role      : manager
 Member context   : none
No spaces

Member Attributes

Member id
The system-assigned member ID for the member.
Member name
 If a name was specified when the member was created, shows the member name.
Member ip:port
 Indicates the IP address and port number for the member.
Member join time
 Indicates the time that the member joined the space.
Member role
 Indicates the member role. Can be member or manager.
Member context
 If the application that is managing the member has set up a thread context, displays the thread context; otherwise, indicates none.