Uses of Interface

Packages that use OSAction   

Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class GetAuthenticatedGuid
          Get the Guid of the authenticated user in the session

©2011 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

 class GetAuthenticatedUserName
          Get the Name of the authenticated user in the session

©2011 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

 class IsActionAuthorised
          Finds out if a system action is authorised for the specifed user and scope

©2011 Cloud Software Group, Inc.


Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class CancelBusinessService
          Cancels a Business Service by removing the associated Business Service context from the Work Presentation Extender session.
 class GetBusinessServices
          Retrieves a list of Business Services based on category and channelId.
 class ListBusinessServiceCategories
          Retrieve a list of available Business Service Categories.
 class QueryBusinessServices
          To get a list of Business Service Templates based on the category, channelId & includeFormalParameters.
 class QueryCategories
          Returns a list of Business Categories based on the category and channelId.
 class StartBusinessService
          Start an instance of a specified Business Service.
 class StartBusinessServiceWithFP
          Start an instance of a specified Business Service.
 class UpdateBusinessService
          Updates a started Business Service, typically this Action is used to submit data entered by a user and complete the Business Service.

Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class CopyCalendar
          This service copies an identified Calendar to create a new Calendar of the same type.
 class DeleteCalendar
          Deletes the named Calendar, and all the Working Day and Calendar Entries associated with it.
 class DeleteCalendarEntries
          Deletes the Calendar Entries identified by their GUID (e.g.
 class GetCalendarEntries
          Returns the entries from the identified Calendar that fall within the given date range.
 class GetCalendarReferences
          Returns the Calendar references that identify the Base and Overlay Calendars to be applied for deadline calculations involving the given model-entity.
 class GetWorkCalendar
          Returns the details of a named Calendar.
 class ListCalendars
          Returns the list of known work calendar instances (that is, Base and Overlay calendars).
 class ListTimeZones
          Returns the list of time-zone identifiers recognised by the Calendar Component.
 class PurgeCalendarEntries
          Deletes the Calendar Entries, of the named Calendar, whose end date is earlier than the given date.
 class RemoveCalendarReference
          This action is being used to delete CalendarReference from a Calendar
 class RenameCalendar
          Changes the name, and/or namespace, of a Calendar.
 class ResolveReference
          Resolves a given collection of Calendar References, by returning the identifier of the Calendar instance to which each are associated.
 class SaveCalendar
          Updates, or creates, a named Calendar.
 class SaveCalendarEntry
          Updates, or creates, the given Calendar Entry (e.g.
 class SaveCalendarRefernce
          Associates a Calendar with a client component's reference identifier.
 class SetCalendarReferences
          Assign Calendar References to model entities.

Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class CreateDataView
 class EditDataView
 class GenerateComparison
          TODO Give a useful description of the type.

Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class LoginAction
          TODO Give a useful description of the type.

Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class LogOutAction
          LogOut Action invalidates session

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.


Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class GetEntityName
          Gets the name of a specified Entity ( identified by a GUID ).
 class GetResourceDetails
          Gets the details of a specified Resource ( identified by a GUID ).
 class LookupUser
          Gets the details of a specified Resource ( identified by name ).
 class OpenOrgModel
          Retrieve the Organisational Model from Directory Engine.
 class RunResourceQuery
          Run a resource query against the Directory Engine.
 class RunResourceQueryForVersion
          Run a resource query against the Directory Engine and a particular version of the Org Model

Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class CreateOrUpdateUser
          Create Or Update User ActionHandler

©2013 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

 class LoadGadgetPref
          Loads Gadget Preference values NOTE - This is an private API and for internal use only.
 class SaveGadgetPref
          Save gadget preference NOTE - This is an private API and for internal use only.

Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class CancelProcessInstance
          Cancels the specified Process Instances.
 class GetEventDurationsFromEC
          Retrieves the Work Item Durations from Event Collector for a given process instance.
 class GetMigrationPoints
          Retrieve a list of migration points for the specified process from the Engine.
 class GetProcessInstanceData
          Retrieve details of Process Instances for a particular Process Template from the Process Engine.
 class GetProcessInstancesFromEC
          Retrieve Process Instance Data from Event Collector.
 class GetProcessInstancesFromEC2
          Retrieve Process Instance Data from Event Collector.
 class GetProcessInstanceStatus
          Get status of a Process Instance.
 class GetProcessTemplateList
          Get a list of all the Process Templates for a particular module and process.
 class IgnoreHaltedProcessInstance
          Ignore halted instances of a Process Template.
 class ListMigrationRules
          Retrieve all the migration rules that have been set for a particular Process Template.
 class QueryDone
          Finish a running query and free up any server side resources.
 class QueryEventCollector
          Run a query against the Event Collector Audit Trail.
 class QueryHaltedProcessInstances
          Lists the halted process instances that match certain criteria.
 class QueryInstancesPage
          Query a different process instances page using a pagingId from the QueryProcessInstances call

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 class QueryProcessInstances
          List process instances that match certain criteria.
 class QueryProcessInstances2
          List process instances that match certain criteria.
 class QueryProcessTemplates
          Query Process Templates available in the Process Engine.
 class ResumeHaltedProcessInstance
          Resume halted instances of a Process Template.
 class ResumeProcessInstance
          Resume suspended instances of a Process Template.
 class RetryHaltedProcessInstance
          Retry halted instances of a Process Template.
 class SetMigrationRules
          Set Migration Rules for a given Process Template.
 class StartProcess
          Start an instance of the specified Process Template.
 class SuspendProcessInstance
          Suspend the specified running Process Instances.

Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class CheckSystemAction
          Check the specified System Action for the supplied list of Org Entities.

Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class InvalidateSession
          Invalidate the current session

©2011 Cloud Software Group, Inc.

 class SetSessionMaxInactiveInterval
          Set the maximum inactive timeout for the current session

©2011 Cloud Software Group, Inc.


Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class AllocateWorkItem
          Allocate the specified Work Item to a particular Resource.
 class CancelWorkItem
          Cancel changes made to an Open Work Item and return it to the Work List.
 class CloseWorkItem
          Closes a previously opened Work Item and saves any updates made by the User.
 class CloseWorkItems
          Closes previously opened Work Items.
 class CompleteWorkItem
          Complete a previously opened Work Item and save any changes made.
 class GetOfferSet
          Retrieve the offer set for the specified Work Item.
 class GetOfferSetForMultipleItems
          Retrieve the common offer set for the specified Work Items.
 class GetOrderAndFilterForResource
          Get the Order and Filter criteria for a Resource.
 class GetOrgEntityConfigAttribute
          Gets the value of an Org Entity Config Attribute from BRM
 class GetToDoList
          Retrieve the Work List ( ToDo List ) for the current user from BRM.
 class GetWorkList
          Action for BRM Service WorkListService and operation getWorkListItems

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 class OpenNextWorkItem
          Open the next available Work Item for the user.
 class OpenWorkItem
          Open the specified Work Item.
 class PendWorkItemByDate
          Pend a Work Item until the specified Date.
 class PendWorkItemByPeriod
          Pend a Work Item for the specified period.
 class PreviewWorkItem
          Preview the specified Work Item.
 class PrioritiseWorkItem
          Set the Priority for the specified Work Items

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 class ReAllocateWorkItem
          ReAllocate a Work Item to another resource.
 class ReofferWorkItem
          Reoffer the Work Item to the original offer set.
 class SetOrderAndFilterForResource
          Set the Order and Filter criteria for a Resource.
 class SetOrgEntityConfigAttribute
          Sets the value of an Org Entity Config Attribute in BRM
 class SkipWorkItem
          Skip a Work Item.

Uses of OSAction in

Classes in that implement OSAction
 class AddResourceToView
          Add the current Resource to a Work List View in BRM, this will allow the Resource to see the view in the BPM client.
 class CreateWorkListView
          Create a Work List View in BRM
 class CreateWorkListView2
          Create a Work List View in BRM
 class DeleteResourceFromView
          Remove the current Resource from a Work List View in BRM, this will stop the Resource from seeing the view in the BPM client.
 class DeleteWorkListView
          Delete a Work List View in BRM permanently.
 class EditWorkListView
          Edit a Work List View in BRM
 class EditWorkListView2
          Edit a Work List View in BRM
 class GetEditableWorkViews
          Get a list of Editable Work Views
 class GetEditableWorkViews2
          Get a list of Editable Work Views
 class GetPublicWorkViews
          Get a list of Public Work Views
 class GetPublicWorkViews2
          Get a list of Public Work Views
 class GetWorkItemsForView
          Retrieve the Work List ( ToDo List ) for the specified view from BRM.
 class GetWorkItemsForView2
          Retrieve the Work List ( ToDo List ) for the specified view from BRM.
 class GetWorkItemsForView3
          Retrieve the Work List ( ToDo List ) for the specified view from BRM.
 class GetWorkItemsForView4
          Retrieve the Work List ( ToDo List ) for the specified view from BRM.
 class GetWorkViewDetails
          Get the details of a Work View
 class GetWorkViewDetails2
          Get the details of a Work View
 class GetWorkViewsForResource
          Get a list of Work Views for the current Resource
 class GetWorkViewsForResource2
          Get a list of Work Views for the current Resource
 class UnlockWorkListView
          Unlocks a locked Work List View to allow editing.

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