Class: DocumentRoot



Request element for deleteLDAPContainer operation. This service will delete the configuration of the identified LDAP container. An LDAP container can only be deleted if it no longer has any resources associated with it. If the attribute "delete-resources" is true, and the caller has the required privileges for either of the system action "resourceAdmin" or "deleteResourceAdmin", any associated resources will be deleted before the LDAP container is deleted. This property holds the value of the 'Delete Container' containment reference.


Response element for deleteLDAPContainer operation. This property holds the value of the 'Delete Container Response' containment reference.


Request element for the executeLdapQuery operation. Gets the Distinguished Names (DNs) of those entries that match the given LDAP query. The query will traverse all sub-tree nodes starting from node identified by the "base-dn" attribute. This property holds the value of the 'Execute Ldap Query' containment reference.


Response element for the executeLdapQuery operation. Returns the Distinguished Names (DNs) resolved by the given LDAP query. This property holds the value of the 'Execute Ldap Query Response' containment reference.


Request element for the getCandidateDetail operation. Having retrieved a list of the candidate resources, this operation will allow the caller to retrieve additional information about one candidate. This property holds the value of the 'Get Candidate Detail' containment reference.


Response element for the getCandidateDetail operation. Returns the name and GUID of the existing resource, if one already exists for the candidate. Includes the values for any resource attributes mapped to the LDAP attributes of the identified LDAP container. This property holds the value of the 'Get Candidate Detail Response' containment reference.


Request element for the getLdapEntry operation. Returns the named attributes from the LDAP entry identified by the given LDAP alias and DN. This property holds the value of the 'Get Ldap Entry' containment reference.


Response element for the getLdapEntry operation. Returns the requested attributes of the LDAP entry identified in the request. If the identifed LDAP entry does not exist, the response will be empty. This property holds the value of the 'Get Ldap Entry Response' containment reference.


Request element for the listAttributeNames operation. Lists the names of those attributes that are available from the LDAP entries identified by a search of the LDAP connection shared resource. The LDAP connection is identified by its alias, and the search is limited to the LDAP query given in the filter. A base-dn also limits the search to the LDAP entries that lie within that branch of the LDAP directory. A sample of the values held by the resulting named attributes can be requested by specifying a sample-size. This value specifies the number of sample values to be returned for each named attribute. The response also includes the number of LDAP entries identified in the search. This property holds the value of the 'List Attribute Names' containment reference.


Response element for the listAttributeNames operation Returns a list of attribute names and counts the LDAP entries identified in the search. This property holds the value of the 'List Attribute Names Response' containment reference.


Request element for the listCandidateResources operation. Lists the candidate resources (including existing eesources) from the identified LDAP container. The entries in the response are suitable to be passed to the createResource operation. This property holds the value of the 'List Candidate Resources' containment reference.


Response element for the listCandidateResources operation. Returns a list of candidate resources from the requested container. This property holds the value of the 'List Candidate Resources Response' containment reference.


Request element for the listContainers operation. This service returns the configuration detail of all LDAP containers to which the caller has access permission. Access can be restricted by the organizations to which the caller is associated. This property holds the value of the 'List Containers' containment reference.


Response element for listLDAPContainers operation. Includes the full details of the LDAP containers, including the LDAP sources and resource attribute mappings. This property holds the value of the 'List Containers Response' containment reference.


Request element for the listLdapConnections operation. Gets a list of the LDAP connection shared resources available to Directory Engine. Those LDAP connection shared resources named with the prefix "ldap/de/" will be included. Each will be identified by its alias (which is the name minus the "ldap/de/" prefix). This property holds the value of the 'List Ldap Connections' containment reference.


Response element for listLdapConnections operation. This property holds the value of the 'List Ldap Connections Response' containment reference.


Request element for saveLDAPContainerDetail operation. This service will save the given LDAP container configuration. See the description of XmlLdapContainer for more detail on the request parameter. This property holds the value of the 'Save Container' containment reference.


Response element for saveLDAPContainerDetail operation. This property holds the value of the 'Save Container Response' containment reference.