Class: ResolveResourceType

new ResolveResourceType()

Request to return a Resource from a collection contained by the identified model entity. If there is more than one Resource available, the given selection mode is used to determine which one should be selected. . Constructs a new ResolveResourceType.

The following features are supported:


entity :tibco.objectapi.common.organisation.XmlDynOrgEntityId

Identifier for a participant, by either GUID or name. Extension of XmlOrgModelVersion, which provides the organization model version in which the participant resides. This property holds the value of the 'Entity' containment reference.


If specified will override the selection mode determined by the entity. If not specified the selection mode will be determined by the entity, If the entity does not contain a selection mode then the default will be ANY. This property holds the value of the 'Selection Mode' containment reference.