Class: DocumentRoot



Request element for listLContainerResources operation. This operation returns the details of those resources that originate from the LDAP container identified in the request. If the given LDAP container ID is 0, the result will contain those resources created via the bootstrapping import (the admin users) or those resources originating from an LDAP container that has since been deleted. If the given LDAP container ID is not recognised, the result will be contain no resources (instead of raising an exception). A resource's details will only include those that relate to the organization model version identified in the request. If the given organization model version number is -1, the latest organization model version is assumed. This property holds the value of the 'List Container Resources' containment reference.


Response element for listContainerResources operation. This property holds the value of the 'List Container Resources Response' containment reference.


Request element for listLDAPAttributeNames operation. This operation lists the names of those attributes that are available from the LDAP entries identified by a search of the LDAP connection shared resource. The LDAP connection is identified by its alias, and the search is limited to the LDAP Query given in the filter. A base-dn also limits the search to the LDAP entries that lie within that branch of the LDAP directory. A sample of the values held by the resulting named attributes can be requested by specifying a sample-data-number. This value specifies the number of sample values to be returned for each named attribute. The response also includes the number of LDAP entries identified in the search. This property holds the value of the 'List LDAP Attribute Names' containment reference.


Response element for listLDAPAttributeNames operation. This property holds the value of the 'List LDAP Attribute Names Response' containment reference.


Request element for listLDAPAttributes operation. This operation lists the values of the LDAP attributes held by the LDAP entry identified by the given "alias" and "dn". If specified, only those attributes named by the req-attributes elements will be included in the response. Otherwise, all attributes will be included. This property holds the value of the 'List LDAP Attributes' containment reference.


Response element for listLDAPAttributes operation. This property holds the value of the 'List LDAP Attributes Response' containment reference.


Request element for listLDAPEntities operation. This operation lists the resources that are, or can be, derived from the LDAP container identified by its "container-id". The request attribute "existing-only" determines whether only existing resources are included in the response. This property holds the value of the 'List LDAP Entities' containment reference.


Response element for listLDAPEntities operation. This property holds the value of the 'List LDAP Entities Response' containment reference.


Request element for listLDAPSource operation. This operation returns the alias by which all known LDAP connection shared resources are identified. This property holds the value of the 'List LDAP Sources' containment reference.


Response element for listLDAPSource operation. This property holds the value of the 'List LDAP Sources Response' containment reference.