Class: ListCandidateResourcesRequest


new ListCandidateResourcesRequest(containerId)

Object ListCandidateResourcesRequest Usage: RestApiService.getDirectoryService().listCandidateResources(request, callback);
Name Type Description
containerId number (Java type: long) Tdentifies the LDAP container from which the candidates are to be listed.
  • 4.0.0


includes :string

Query parameter: 'include' (optional, default=ALL) Determines what entries should be included in the response. The valid values are:
  • EXISTING: include only entries from which a resource has already been created.
  • NON-EXISTING: include only entries from which no resource has yet been created.
  • ALL: include both existing and non-existing candidate resources.
  • INVALID: include only the "invalid" resources. These are typically "missing" resources, which means that the resource's DN in the LDAP source has changed and no longer matches the DN that had previously been retrieved for the resource from the LDAP source.
  • string
  • 4.0.0
Default Value:
  • = ALL