Starting a Proxy

Start the proxy processes that mediate between application processes and the data grid.


  • The realm service must be running and reachable.
  • The data grid definition in the realm service must be complete and valid.
  • The state keeper must be running and reachable.
  • At least one node of each copyset must be running and reachable.


  1. Start the proxy process.
    tibdgproxy -n name -r realm_service_URL [-s backup_realm_service_URL] [-g grid_name]
    Note: Using -s backup_realm_service_URL is only applicable if you are using FTL 5.4.1.

    The Proxy process name is required. Supply one of the proxy names you assigned in Defining a Data Grid.

  2. Verify whether the proxy process is ready by checking the status using the administration tool.
  3. Repeat the previous steps for all the proxy names assigned in the data grid definition.

What to do next

The data grid is ready to support data operations. You can start application program processes.