RMS Server Configuration Property Reference

To configure the RMS server properties, edit the RMS.cdd file.

See Configuring RMS Server Properties for the related procedure.

Properties not documented in this table are either for internal use or are for other types of configuration explained elsewhere in the documentation.

Common Property Group

Property Default Value Description
rms.checkin.revisionId.initValue 10000 Initial value of the revision number to use for project check in.
ws.artifact.deploy.location BE_HOME/rms/shared

Name of the directory for storing EAR files that are generated for deployment. Separate directory for each project is created, where EAR files for the project are stored.

See also be.codegen.rootDirectory.

be.codegen.rootDirectory Codegen Name of the directory for storing class files generated by the Generate Deployable menu option. The directory location is relative to the ws.artifact.deploy.location directory.

If this property is not present, then files are stored in the deployment directory.

If this property is present but has no value, a directory is created with the default name Codegen.

be.codegen.useLegacyCompilation False Set the value to true, if you want to use the file-based legacy compiler to build the EAR file. By default, the value is false, that means EAR files are built in memory.
ws.projects.customLib.location BE_HOME/rms/lib/ext Path of the directory for storing custom function libraries for a WebStudio project. The custom function libraries are saved in a folder (with the same name as of the project name) inside the directory identified by the ws.projects.customLib.location property.

For example, if the value of the ws.projects.customLib.location property is C:/Tibco/BE52/be/5.2/rms/lib/ext, then the custom function libraries for the MyTestProject project should be saved in the location C:/Tibco/BE52/be/5.2/rms/lib/ext/MyTestProject.

ws.projects.projectLib.location BE_HOME/rms/project-lib Path of the directory for storing project libraries for a WebStudio project. The project libraries are saved in a folder (with the same name as of the project name) inside the directory identified by the ws.projects.projectLib.location property.

For example, if the value of the ws.projects.projectLib.location property is C:/Tibco/BE52/be/5.2/rms/project-lib, then the project libraries for the MyTestProject project should be saved in the location C:/Tibco/BE52/be/5.2/rms/project-lib/MyTestProject.

RMS Property Group

Property Default Value Description
rms.project.workspace workspace Not used in this release
rms.project.decisiondata decisiondata Not used in this release
rms.project.deployment deployment Not used in this release
rms.workflowstages.config.file BE_HOME/rms/config/RoleWorkflowStages.xml Not used in this release
rms.lockworkflowstages.config.file BE_HOME/rms/config/LockWorkflowStages.xml Not used in this release

Default is BE_HOME/rms/config/LockWorkflowStages.xmL

rms.roleArtifactTypes.config.file BE_HOME/rms/config/RoleApplicableArtifactTypesConfig.xml Not used in this release

Default is BE_HOME/rms/config/RoleApplicableArtifactTypesConfig.xml

rms.external.entities.autodetect Used internally. Do not change the value.

Authentication and Authorization (ACL) Properties

User authentication topics are common to TIBCO BusinessEvents and the add-on products that use authentication. Common options are fully documented in TIBCO BusinessEvents Administration. The relevant properties are also listed as follows for your convenience.

Property Default Value Description
be.auth.type Specifies the authentication mechanism used. Additional configuration is required. The values are:
  • file
  • ldap
  • openldap

Note:  Authentication topics are documented in the TIBCO BusinessEvents Administration guide.

be.auth.file.location BE_HOME/rms/config/security/users.pwd Location of the authentication file used for file-based authentication.

Note:  Authentication topics are documented in the TIBCO BusinessEvents Administration guide.

java.security.auth.login.config BE_HOME/rms/config/security/jaas-config.config Location of the JAAS login configuration file. You can substitute a different implementation of the JAAS login module than the one provided.

Note:  Authentication topics are documented in the TIBCO BusinessEvents Administration guide.

ws.projects.acl.location BE_HOME/rms/config/security Location of the directory used for all ACL (authorization) files. Files must be named using the format RMSProjectName.ac.

RMS-GVs Property Group

This group of properties override the values of global variables that are provided in the TIBCO BusinessEvents Studio BRMS project. These properties are made available as global variables so that the properties can be overridden at runtime, as needed.

You can override the default global variable values in the RMS.cdd file for command-line startup. For details on overriding global variable values when deploying with TIBCO BusinessEvents Monitoring and Management or with TIBCO Administrator, see TIBCO BusinessEvents Administration.

For defining and using global variables in TIBCO BusinessEvents Studio projects, see TIBCO BusinessEvents Developer’s Guide.

Property Default Value Description
tibco.clientVar.RMS/hostname localhost Specifies the host name or IP address of the machine where RMS is hosted. Remote clients can connect to the server at this location.
tibco.clientVar.RMS/port 5000 Specifies the port number of the machine where RMS hosted. This port is used for listening to client requests. See notes for tibco.clientVar.RMS/hostname.
tibco.clientVar.RMS/Approval/adminRole Administrator, Business-User The multiple roles specified here have Administrator role permissions. When you change the default value, the Administrator role still has Administrator permissions.

You can also specify project specific administrator roles. To specify project specific admin roles, append the role to the project name separated by a colon (:). Ensure that the role has the approve permission set for the project.

For example,
tibco.clientVar.RMS/Approval/adminRole =  Administrator,CreditCardApplication:Business-User
This shows the worklist items for the CreditCardApplication project, for users with the Business_User roles, while for all other projects, the worklist items show up for users under the Administrator role.

Ensure that you replace the XML special character in the administrator role name value (if present) with the following characters:

  • "&" by "&"
  • " ' " by "'"

WebStudio Property Group

Property Default Value Description
tibco.clientVar.Webstudio/warDir rms/bin/WebStudio.war Path to the Web archive for the client side representation of the TIBCO BusinessEvents WebStudio.
tibco.clientVar.Webstudio/hostName localhost Specifies the host name or IP address of the machine where RMS server is hosted for WebStudio.
tibco.clientVar.Webstudio/port 8090 Specifies the port number of the machine where RMS server is hosted for WebStudio. This port is used for listening to client requests. See notes for tibco.clientVar.RMS/hostname.
tibco.clientVar.Webstudio/Connection/timeout 60000 Timeout interval for the HTTP channel. This value is in milliseconds.
tibco.clientVar.Webstudio/sessionTimeOut 30 Time interval for which an inactive user session will be valid. This value is in minutes.
tibco.clientVar.Webstudio/DecisionTable/pageSize 20 Number of rows of the decision table to be displayed in a page.
ws.validateDT.temp.dir rms/temp-dir Directory which is used as an interim storage of decision table contents during the validation process.

Global Variable Properties for One-Way SSL Between RMS Server and Decision Manager Clients

Property Default Value Description
tibco.clientVar.RMS/security/securePort 443 The port to be used for secure HTTP communication.
tibco.clientVar.RMS/security/sslCertificateStore Absolute path of the JKS keystore which contains the RMS server's public/private keys. If the certificate used is CA signed, include the CA's certificate.
tibco.clientVar.RMS/security/sslCertificateStorePassword The password for the keystore.

Properties for One-Way SSL Between LDAP Server, RMS Server, and Decision Manager Clients

  • For one-way SSL between LDAP server and RMS server, you must also change the value of be.auth.ldap.port.
  • For one-way SSL between RMS server and Decision Manager clients, you must also set the value of be.auth.ldap.port.
Property Default Value Description
be.auth.ldap.ssl If set to true, enables SSL between the RMS server and the LDAP server

If set to false or not set, the LDAP authentication uses a non-secure channel.

javax.net.ssl.trustStore The absolute path of the keystore containing the LDAP server certificate chain.
javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword The password for the keystore.
javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType The keystore type for keystores other than JKS type, for example, PKCS12.

Email Notification Property Group

Email notification properties are used to send email notification when an artifact undergoes a status change in approval workflow, such as, artifact commit and artifact review (Approve, Reject, BuildAndDeploy).

In addition to these properties, you can define any SMTP protocol specific properties depending on the mail server configuration. These properties should be defined with a prefix ws.notify.prop, for example, ws.notify.prop.mail.smtps.auth, ws.notify.prop.mail.smtps.ssl.enable.

Property Default Value Description
ws.notify.enabled False If set to true, send email notification.

If set to false, do not send email notification.

ws.notify.file.location BE_HOME/rms/config/notify/UserNotify.Ids Specifies the location of the .IDS file which contains the mapping of WebStudio user IDs to the email IDs. This field is used in the case of file based authentication.
ws.notify.ldap.userNotifyIdAttr userPrincipalName Specifies the name of the LDAP attribute for the email ID. This field is used in the case of LDAP based authentication.
ws.notify.impl.class com.tibco.be.ws.notification.impl.EmailNotification Specifies the implementation class for email notification support.
ws.notify.context.impl.class com.tibco.be.ws.notification.impl.EmailNotificationContext Specifies the context implementation class for email notification support.
ws.notify.message.template.file BE_HOME/rms/config/notify/message.stg Specifies the location of the message template file, which contains template (subject and content) for the commit, reject, and approve notification emails.
ws.notify.mail.domain Specifies the domain on the email. This is used with the RMS username to construct the email address to which the notification is to be sent. For example, if RMS username is “admin” and the property is set to “tibco.com”, the email address for the notification is admin@tibco.com.
ws.notify.mail.receiver.cc.emails Comma separated list of emaiI IDs or WebStudio user IDs to whom any commit, approve, or reject notifications need to be sent. In the case of CC notifications to the WebStudio users, specify their login IDs. The email IDs are picked up from the .IDS file identified by the ws.notify.file.location property, if present; otherwise, the email ID is evaluated as <login-ID>@<mail-domain>.

In the case of LDAP based authentication, the email ID is picked up from the user's LDAP entry.

ws.notify.prop.MAIL_PROTOCOL SMTPS Specifies the email protocol to be used to send the email. SMTP and SMTPS are valid values.
ws.notify.prop.MAIL_SERVER_HOST Specifies the host name of the email server.
ws.notify.prop.MAIL_SERVER_PORT Specifies the port at which the mail server is listening.
ws.notify.prop.SENDER_EMAIL Specifies the email address to be used for sending the notification email.
ws.notify.prop.SENDER_USERNAME Specifies the sender’s username for authentication to email server.
ws.notify.prop.SENDER_PASSWORD Specifies the sender’s email password for authentication to email server.
ws.notify.prop.mail.smtps.auth true This is a SMTP protocol-specific property. Specifies whether the authentication is checked or not for the email server.
ws.notify.prop.mail.smtps.ssl.enable true This is a SMTP protocol-specific property. Specifies whether the email server is SSL enabled.

Hot Deployment Property Group

Use the hot deployment property group to configure JMX connection details in the CDD file and hot deploy the business rule and the decision table directly from WebStudio. You can configure JMX connection details for each project for each environment. Using these properties you can deploy multiple projects in multiple environments. For example, for deploying the CreditCardApplication project in the "QA" environment, set the QA environment in the CreditCardApplication.ws.applicableEnvironments property and set the JMX connection details in the CreditCardApplication.QA.ws.jmx.* properties.

Property Default Value Description
<ProjectName>.ws.applicableEnvironments QA,PROD Specifies the environment where the artifacts can be deployed.

Add this property for each project you want to deploy. For example, if you want to deploy the CreditCardApplication project in the PROD and the QA environment, set the CreditCardApplication.ws.applicableEnvironments property value to "PROD,QA".

<ProjectName>.<EnvironmentName>.ws.jmx.host localhost The name of the JMX host
<ProjectName>.<EnvironmentName>.ws.jmx.port 9990 The unused port number, through which you want to enable the JMX connection
<ProjectName>.<EnvironmentName>.ws.jmx.user The username for the JMX connection
<ProjectName>.<EnvironmentName>.ws.jmx.password The password for the user name for <ProjectName>.<EnvironmentName>.ws.jmx.user
<ProjectName>.<EnvironmentName>.ws.jmx.clusterName The name of the cluster to be monitored
<ProjectName>.<EnvironmentName>.ws.jmx.agentName inference-class The name of the TIBCO BusinessEvents agent

Backing Store Property Group

Use the backing store property group to add a shared JDBC connection without the need to build the new EAR file (RMS.ear) for the BRMS project.

Property Default Value Description
tibco.clientVar.Webstudio/ DB/driverName oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver The name of the JDBC driver class.
tibco.clientVar.Webstudio/ DB/url jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl The URL to use to connect to the database. You must supply the portions of the URL, for example, the host, port number, and database instance name. .
tibco.clientVar.Webstudio/ DB/maxConnections 5 The maximum number of database connections to allocate. The minimum value that can be specified is 1.
tibco.clientVar.Webstudio/ DB/userName User name to use when connecting to the database.
tibco.clientVar.Webstudio/ DB/password Password to use when connecting to the database.
tibco.clientVar.Webstudio/ DB/timeout zero Time (in seconds) to wait for a successful database connection. Only JDBC drivers that support connection timeouts can use this configuration field. If the JDBC driver does not support connection timeouts, the value of this field is ignored. Most JDBC drivers support connection timeouts.

Source Control System (SCS) Property Group

SCS property group enables you to checkout a WebStudio project resources from a SCS location and commit the updates.

Property Default Value Description
ws.scs.rootURL BE_HOME/examples/standard/WebStudio Specifies the RMS repository location. This is the root location for RMS project directories.

If repository is present in source control, then provide the repository URL of RMS projects as the value of ws.scs.rootURL .

ws.scs.impl.type file Identifies the type of repository being referred. The values that configured in the product out-of-the-box are:
  • file (default)
  • svn
ws.scs.repo.dir BE_HOME/rms/repo The local repository directory on your system. All checked out project resources are downloaded at this location.
ws.scs.command.path Absolute path to the source control command-line client.

For example, if SVN is used then RMS server uses the SVN command-line tool to connect to the SVN repository. Any SVN command-line tool can be used, one commonly used one being Tortoise SVN CLI.

ws.scs.default.username Default username to connect to the repository mentioned in the ws.scs.rootURL property.
ws.scs.default.password Default password, encoded into the Base64 format, to connect to the repository mentioned in the ws.scs.rootURL property.For example, Password123 should be encoded with Base64 format and entered as UGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=.

Note: WebStudio uses the default username and password (after decoding from Base64 format) to check out and check in the objects from the svn repository. You also have the option to enter your SCS username and password (in the Preference portlet under the Settings tab) in the WebStudio UI which overrides the default username and password. Enter the actual password in the WebStudio UI and not a Base64 format encoded one. See Preferences Settings for more details.

ws.scs.locking.enable false You can lock the artifacts for the WebStudio. If the lock is applied on an artifact, the other users cannot modify or delete the artifacts until the lock is released.
ws.scs.lock.timeout 0 Time in seconds before the lock is automatically released. Set the property value greater than zero to apply timeout on locks.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Property Group

Using the CORS property group, you can specify which external applications can use the WebStudio APIs.

Property Default Value Description
be.http.filter.cors.class org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter The filter class name for the CORS filter.
be.http.filter.cors.param.cors.allowed.origins * A list of Origin request header values that are allowed to access the resource..

BusinessEvents matches the value of Origin header of the HTTP request with this list. If the Origin request header value is present in the list, then the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the HTTP response returns the Origin request header value.

The default value is "*"

which means all URLs are valid, and the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the HTTP response returns "*" for all requests.
be.http.filter.cors.param.cors.allowed.methods GET,POST,DELETE,PUT A list of HTTP methods that can be used to access the resource, using cross-origin requests. These are the methods which will also be included as part of Access-Control-Allow-Methods header in pre-flight response.
be.http.filter.cors.urlpattern.1 /* The URL pattern that triggers the filter.