Implementing an Event for a Provider
- Write an event class that extends the AbstractExpressoEvent class.
- Define an event data class whose object represents and returns event data generated by the event back to the Expresso server.
- Override the subscribeToEvent() and unSubscribeFromEvent() to handle subscriptions for the event. The subscribeToEvent() method is called with a providerWebhookUrl parameter which is generated specific to every event by the provider server. This URI listens to a POST call from external services and subsequently routes it to the event through the onExternalEvent() method.
- If the provider requires communication with external services, handle it in the overridden onExternalEvent() method.
- Notify the subscriber using the notifySubscriber() method either in the onExternalEvent() method itself, or elsewhere as per specific provider requirement.
Writing a Class that Extends the AbstractExpressoEvent Class
This sample illustrates the methods that the extending class must implement. Here, extends the AbstractExpressoEvent class.public class TimerEvent extends AbstractExpressoEvent { // provider specific fields private boolean isRunning = false; private Timer timer; / EventData class: Every event needs to publish data back to the Expresso //server. On specific intervals, the timer event will notify the Expresso //along with an event data object of type TimerEventData. This event data //class is event specific. This class is set while creating an object in //the provider class. pojoProvider internally converts the data to JSON //format as required by Expresso while publish events using an object of //the event data class. public static class TimerEventData { private String message; public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public String getMessage() { return message; } } // subscribeToEvent is called by the pojoProvider on two occasions. When the //first subscription to an event is received, and if pojoProvider is //restarted and existing subscriptions from Expresso were present on it. The //pojoProvider sends a providerWebhookUrl to the provider. This is meant to //be used by the provider if it listens to another service. For timer, it //isn’t required, but it is used in the TwilioProvider as the url to listen //for messages coming from Twilio. //For example: http://(somehost).com:80/events/Twilio/SMSReceived. Such url //is then registered with Twilio for listening to webhook callbacks from //Twilio. For timer, the events are generated locally and thus the //providerWebhookUrl isn’t required. On receving a call, this method should //implement logic to initiate the publishing of events. Here, the //timer.start() call does the same. @Override public boolean subscribeToEvent(URI providerWebhookUrl) { timer = new Timer(); isRunning = true; timer.start(); return true; } //Once the subscription is received, in case the provider depends on external //service to notify it with data, the onExternalEvent method is called along //with the request object and a response object. The provider should extract //data from the request object and set the response object according to what //the external service desires. Please refer to the TwilioReceiveSMS class //in the samples to see this usage. For timer, as no external service is //communicating with it, This method is left blank. On receiving of external //event, or on fulfilment of the providers own conditions, the provider has //to call the notifySubscriber() method passing the event data object //to it. In this case, we are doing so after regular intervals using the //Timer class. @Override public void onExternalEvent(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } class Timer extends Thread { private int interval; private final TimerEventData eventData; Timer() { /** Use data from properties file to decide time interval between * events and the message to send in event data. Default is interval * is 30000 ms and default message is "Hello Expresso" */ intrvl = TimerProvider.timerData.get(TIMER_INTERVAL); if (intrvl == null) intrvl = "30000"; interval = Integer.parseInt(intrvl); msg = TimerProvider.timerData.get(TIMER_MESSAGE); if (msg == null) msg = "Hello Expresso"; /* * Create object of class that represents the event data. */ eventData = new TimerEventData(); eventData.setMessage(msg); } @Override public void run() { while (isRunning) { try { Thread.sleep(interval); /* * Notify subscriber */ notifySubscriber(eventData); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // loop ends } // run() ends } // class Timer ends //unSubscribeFromEvent is called when the last subscriber unsubscribes from //the event. In this method the provider is supposed to handle logic to //stop sending events. In the TimerProvider we set the flag to false. @Override public boolean unSubscribeFromEvent() { isRunning = false; return true; } }
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