Implementing a Provider in Java
For ease of explanation, the process of implementing a provider in Java is explained using an example of a "Timer" provider that generates events at regular intervals and publishes a message to the Expresso server. The time interval and message are set in the properties file and can be changed by the user.
- Specifying data in the properties file. The configuration data that is required by the user can be specified in the file. For this example, two properties are added:
- Implementing the POJO provider in Java. A provider can register itself with the Expresso server stating its name, description, and a list of events that it has to offer. The library offers two abstract classes that a user can extend to realise their provider and its events.
- Write a provider class that extends the AbstractExpressoProvider class.
- Define the class by mentioning its name and description by overriding the getName() and getDescription() methods.
- Return a list of events that the provider has by overriding the getProviderEvents() method.
- If required, write initialization code, such as loading data from the file, in the overridden init() method.
Writing a Class that Extends the AbstractExpressoProvider Class
The following example illustrates the methods that the extending class must implement. The class extends the AbstractExpressoProvider class.import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import com.tibco.expresso.providers.api.AbstractExpressoEvent; import com.tibco.expresso.providers.api.AbstractExpressoProvider; public class TimerProvider extends AbstractExpressoProvider{ //These are user defined fields, specific to the provider private static final String TIMER_PROPS = "expresso.providers.timer"; public static HashMap<String, String> timerData = new HashMap<String, String>(); public static final String TIMER_INTERVAL = "expresso.providers.timer.interval_ms"; public static final String TIMER_MESSAGE = "expresso.providers.timer.message" @Override public String getName() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // name of the provider should be returned here return "Timer"; } @Override public String getDescription() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // description of the provider should be returned here. return "Provides Timer events"; } // The getProviderEvents() method will be explained and overridden //in later parts once we create events using the AbstractExpressoEvent //class as it returns a map of events that the provider has to offer. @Override public HashMap<String, AbstractExpressoEvent> getProviderEvents() { return null; } //This method can be used to initialize and load data specific to the //provider on its start up. All the properties mentioned in the // file are available to the “config” //object of every provider and can be retrieved as shown below. //For this provider, we are saving them in timerData HashMap to //use later on. @Override public void init() { //Set the provider colour if required. //This colour will reflect in all the event pods specific to this //provider in the mobile app. The default value of colour is taken as //white if not set by the provider. setProviderColour(Colour.Grey) Iterator<String> timerKeys = config.getKeys(TIMER_PROPS); while(timerKeys.hasNext()) { String key =; timerData.put(key, config.getString(key)); } } }
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